How To Draw A Regular Octagon

How To Draw A Regular Octagon
How To Draw A Regular Octagon

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A regular octagon is a geometric figure in which each angle is 135˚, and all sides are equal to each other. This figure is very often used in architecture, for example, in the construction of columns, as well as in the manufacture of a STOP road sign. How do you draw a regular octagon?

How to draw a regular octagon
How to draw a regular octagon

It is necessary

  • - album sheet;
  • - pencil;
  • - ruler;
  • - compasses;
  • - eraser.


Step 1

Draw a square first. Then draw a circle so that the square is inside the circle. Now draw two axial midlines of the square - horizontal and vertical until it intersects with the circle. Connect with straight lines the points of intersection of the axes with the circle and the points of contact of the circumscribed circle with the square. Thus, you will get the sides of a regular octagon.

Step 2

Draw a regular octagon in a different way. Draw a circle first. Then draw a horizontal line through its center. Mark the point of intersection of the rightmost border of the circle with the horizontal. This point will be the center of another circle with a radius equal to the previous shape.

Step 3

Draw a vertical line through the intersection of the second circle with the first. Place the leg of the compass at the intersection of the vertical with the horizontal and draw a small circle with a radius equal to the distance from the center of the small circle to the center of the original circle.

Step 4

Draw a straight line through two points - the center of the original circle and the intersection of the vertical and the small circle. Continue it until it intersects with the border of the original shape. This will be the vertex point of the octagon. Using a compass, mark one more point by drawing a circle with a center at the point of intersection of the extreme right border of the original circle with a horizontal line and a radius equal to the distance from the center to the already existing vertex of the octagon.

Step 5

Draw a straight line through two points - the center of the original circle and the last newly formed point. Continue in a straight line until it intersects with the boundaries of the original shape.

Step 6

Connect with straight lines in sequence: the point of intersection of the horizontal line with the right border of the original shape, then clockwise all the points formed, including the points of intersection of the axes with the original circle.
