Cold forging is the process of affecting metal, including operations such as pressing and bending. Do-it-yourself cold forging is possible only with special equipment.

Features of cold forging technology
As a result of the application of cold forging technology, the material can bend and take the required shape without heating. Also, during this process, the strength of the metal increases significantly, but the plasticity property, on the contrary, is lost. Therefore, sometimes additional heat treatment is required. The absence of heating allows the automation of the cold forging process.
High quality parts can be produced by cold working metals. Usually, special stencils are used for work, which ensure the production of the required number of identical blanks. By the way, in the process of hot forging, the use of stencils is prohibited. It is known that the cold forging technology does not allow the processing of thick metal elements.
DIY cold forging equipment
In order to do cold forging with your own hands, you need a hand tool and a welding machine. Special equipment allows the production of flat and three-dimensional products. Cold forging tools are very reliable and easy to use.
One of the most popular cold forging tools is Gnutik. It can be used to bend metal. And spiral curls allow you to create a tool called "Snail". True, the diameter of the parts should not be more than 12 mm. With the help of the "Wave", craftsmen create original wave-like elements. The Flashlight tool is essential for creating intertwined compositions from small rods.
How to create metal products using cold forging?
Once you have the necessary tools, you can start creating a metal composition. Typically, the cold forging process takes place in several stages. First of all, you should start drawing a sketch. It is very important to indicate the exact dimensions of the product. So, you can determine the amount of material required and carry out the correct setup of the equipment.
Then it is imperative to calculate how much metal is required for forging. For example, to create a flower stand, you need to take a pipe with a diameter of 15 by 15 mm and about a dozen metal strips. You will also need a flowerpot for the base.
The final look of the flower girl will only depend on your imagination. Metallic stripes can be processed using "Gnutik" or "Wave". After processing, you need to weld the parts, and fix the structure on a metal pipe. It will serve as a rack. Care must be taken when welding thin elements. Otherwise, you can burn unnecessary holes. At the end of the forging process, the seams must be processed, the product sanded and painted.