Such a simple and cute ribbon bookmark will make your home more comfortable and your reading experience more enjoyable. This simple way to make a ribbon bookmark can be safely recommended for novice craftswomen and creativity with children.

Such a bookmark will be convenient not only to mark on which page of the book you stopped while reading, but also for keeping a diary, diary.
In order to make such a bookmark, a satin ribbon (or a strip of patterned fabric), a beautiful button, threads in the color of the ribbon, a needle, scissors, a piece of hat elastic.
choose exactly a hat elastic, as it comes in a multi-colored braid. If you can't find one in the store, use a thin colored hair tie.
1. Think about the size of the book you read most often (the size of this bookmark, of course, varies, but not endlessly) or the notebooks that you use. Measure the length of the cover of the book (notebook) and multiply the resulting figure by two.
2. Cut a piece of tape 4/5 - 9/10 long from the result you got in the previous paragraph of this instruction (length of the book / notebook cover multiplied by 2).
3. Fold up the tape at one end and, using an elastic band, hem the tape. On the other hand, at a distance of 2-3 cm from the edge, you need to sew a button on the ribbon (see photo below). Do not forget to hem the edge of the tape or it will peel off quickly with frequent use.

Now just insert the bookmark into the book and slide the elastic over the button. Such a bookmark, if the tape size is correctly chosen, will never slip out of the book.
if you took not a ribbon, but a strip of fabric to create such a bookmark, before performing step 3 of this instruction, hem the edges of the fabric or sew the fabric in half lengthwise.