How To Choose A Stone For A Person Born Under The Sign Of Pisces

How To Choose A Stone For A Person Born Under The Sign Of Pisces
How To Choose A Stone For A Person Born Under The Sign Of Pisces

How to choose a stone that suits you and will be a talisman for you or will help in the treatment of diseases? Refer to astrology and the experience of the ancients. It is astrology that will help you choose the right stone that will strengthen your strong character traits and prevent the weak from developing.

Pisces by zodiac sign
Pisces by zodiac sign

Pisces is one of the most sensitive signs. They are dreamy and often the world of their fantasies seems to them much more attractive than reality. Pisces are very attentive to the feelings of others, they not only see and feel their mood, but sometimes they are so perceptive that it seems to people that they are.

Features of a person born under the sign of Pisces

Pisces make excellent psychics and mediums, as well as representatives of various creative professions.


To protect themselves from the problems and anger of the real world, Pisces often wear a mask, which is the cause of misunderstanding on the part of others. They are often credited with hypocrisy and deceit, although in fact the representatives of this zodiac sign practically do not know how to lie, they can dream up, and then they themselves believe in what their imagination created.

Family and relationships are the greatest value to Pisces. They treat their loved ones very reverently and tenderly, they are not selfish and will never leave their partner, no matter what happens

There is no goal for Pisces to build a career, so they choose professions where the process is important, not the result. Most often, these are creative professions: artists, musicians, writers, composers.

Jet as a talisman

One of the most suitable stones for Pisces is jet. This stone will help timid Pisces overcome natural modesty, learn to defend their opinion.


It is connected with this stone. So, for example, according to the ancient Indian legend, a prepared person the jet helped to reveal his abilities, and these people could see everything that happened in the past life of people.

Similar abilities of jet are reflected in another medieval legend. According to legend, the magic mirror of the magician John Lee was made from this stone. And in this mirror one could see pictures of both what had already happened and what was only predetermined by fate.

There are other legends, they are associated with the black color of the stone. So, in ancient Rome, jet was associated with the master of the kingdom of the dead - the god Hades. The sacrifices that were presented to him were sprinkled with powder from this stone.

And in the Caucasus, jewelry was made from jet, which was worn at the mourning ceremony. The jet served as well as protecting from the dark forces. So, for example, the Irish believed that with the help of this stone, sorcerers could be driven away.

A lot is attributed to jet. He is believed to be a universal healer as he possesses Yin energy. It helps with poisoning and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, and helps to cope with stress.