Some houseplants are believed to attract happiness, luck, and wealth to your home. Of course, there is no evidence for this. But it is difficult to argue with a set of prejudices and the experience of generations. Therefore, we decided to compile the top 10 "successful" plants.

We present to your attention exactly those that, when placed in a house, will certainly bring to their owner, i.e. you, success, love and prosperity:
1. Spathiphyllum

This flower is called "Women's Happiness" because it can fulfill the dream of a single woman to create a strong family and have children. Only spathiphyllum is capable of this only in one case - if it is properly looked after and carefully protected from all kinds of diseases and pests. And they also make sure that it blooms on time.
2. Violet

This flower is considered a symbol of peace. Florists have long noticed that in the apartment where it is grown, betrayal and quarrels between household members are extremely rare. In addition, white violets help to get rid of mental suffering and illnesses of babies, pink - from excess weight (!), Purple - from negative energy in the house, and blue - from laziness. But it is not worth getting carried away with growing plants, since they are also able to absorb positive energy and "survive" men from a family.
3. Chinese rose (hibiscus)

The Chinese rose is able to charge the atmosphere around itself with the energy of movement, relieve heart problems or blood pressure, relieve its owners from laziness and apathy, and attract hot passion into their lives. In addition, according to signs, she can contribute to the revival of the flame of love between spouses and bring happiness. However, it is better for married women not to keep more than 1-2 pots with this flower in the house, otherwise they may lose their man. It is also important to monitor the growth of hibiscus. It is believed that if it blooms at the wrong time, one of the household members will be knocked down by a serious illness.
4. Wax ivy (hoya)

If you are wondering what other houseplants bring happiness to your home, know: this is wax ivy. This flower is presented in many countries as a sign of love and devotion. Many experts recommend growing it in pots in the bedroom. Since it is believed that he is able to have a beneficial effect on the intimate life of its owners. But you need to make sure that the ivy does not grow too much. Otherwise, there will be discord in the family.
5. Aichrizon

This unusual flower should be planted in their home by anyone who wants to attract happiness, tranquility and love. It is believed that the violent and unexpected flowering of aichrizona predicts a quick fateful meeting for its owner. Another belief says that a plant can grow and bloom only in a house where mutual understanding reigns between family members. And where there is no prosperity, it begins to fade. Thus, it is, as it were, a "signaling device" of happiness.
6. Anthurium (Male happiness)

This plant is believed to be very beneficial for men. Supposedly, it helps to restore and maintain potency, constant luck in intimate affairs. That is why it is recommended to place it in the bedroom on the windowsill. Preferably in the light. With proper care, anthurium will bloom for 3 years almost without a break. By the way, some argue that this is how many years love has lived. Do you think anthurium is to blame for this?
7. Chlorophytum

This plant is able to reduce the number of quarrels in the family and among colleagues to a minimum, cleanse the surrounding space from harmful substances, absorbing them, and eliminate unpleasant odors from the air. Florists recommend putting it in a pot in the room where recently renovated or new furniture was placed. Since it has been proven that chlorophytum can turn a "new building" into a calm and cozy family nest in the blink of an eye.
8. Crassula tree

Or, to put it simply, a money tree (fat woman). This plant, settling in a house, is able to attract material well-being and success into it. At the same time, it is believed that the amount of income directly depends on the size and shape of the Crassula crown. They also say that you need to plant a fat woman in order to have money in a red pot, at the bottom of which there are several coins.
9. Cyclamen

Cyclamen is also one of those flowers that can bring happiness to the house. Since, according to many gardeners, it is able to save its owner from heavy night dreams and nightmares. And, as you know, where there is a good sleep, there is health, and love, and happiness. By the way, this plant is also an excellent money magnet. Therefore, if you are plagued by financial problems, be sure to plant it in your home.
10. Dracaena

Dracaena is an amazing plant that symbolizes happiness, perseverance, luck and determination. It is recommended to plant it in the house for all bachelors who dream of changing their social status. In addition, this plant can contribute to changing your life for the better. It is believed that if suddenly it blooms, and this happens extremely rarely, you can expect pleasant surprises from fate. But do not forget to take care of the flower, as a fading dracaena portends a loss.
As a conclusion
Now you know which house flowers bring happiness to your home. But do not forget that you need to buy any plant with a pure soul, and not so that they somehow affect your life. After all, only by giving them your love and tenderness, you can get something from them in return. Also, remember that there are no bad colors. And if there is some kind of trouble in your house, you should not throw all the blame on them. Think for a moment what exactly you did to avoid an unpleasant situation. Success and successful floriculture!