How Does Feng Shui Bring Harmony And Tranquility To Your Home?

How Does Feng Shui Bring Harmony And Tranquility To Your Home?
How Does Feng Shui Bring Harmony And Tranquility To Your Home?

Feng Shui is an ancient Taoist practice aimed at finding a person in harmony with the world around him through the correct interaction with the flows of energy. Feng Shui rules are complex and multifaceted, but even taking into account the most basic of them will help to find harmony and tranquility in the house.

How does Feng Shui bring harmony and tranquility to your home?
How does Feng Shui bring harmony and tranquility to your home?

A person usually strives for love, happiness, luck, health, prosperity. According to the philosophy of feng shui, his fate is determined by the ratio of the qualities received at birth, public actions and the ability to harmoniously interact with earthly energy flows that permeate space.

What affects the harmony and tranquility in the house

There are two main factors that affect people's lives. The first is their thinking and actions. If a person has negative thinking, then no work with earthly energies will help bring harmony into the house. Therefore, first of all, you need to start with yourself. Monitor your thoughts, avoid negative emotions. Concentrate on love, calmness, harmony, respect for people.

Right thinking in and of itself does amazing things. It is enough to stop fighting with yourself, find harmony in your soul, and the reality around you begins to change, as if by magic. The world turns to face you - you become luckier, events by themselves come to meet you. And all because you are in a state of harmony.

Harmony in the soul also depends on where a person lives. If his house is beautiful, well-groomed and some important rules of feng shui are observed in it, harmony and tranquility will always reign in it.

Correct location of the house

According to feng shui, each direction carries its own energy. For a house to live well, it must be locally oriented in a certain way. This takes into account not only the 8 cardinal points, but also the nature of the terrain - the presence of hills, lowlands, mountains, reservoirs, etc.

The front door is usually recommended to be located on the south side of the house. It is very good if there is a plain in the south, and in the north, behind the house, a hill that provides protection and support. The northern location of the door is also possible. But to orient the house with a facade to the south-west in feng shui is considered incorrect, this direction carries negative energy and is considered the entrance to the underworld.

What to do if the house is still facing the door in this direction? Use protective elements. For example, you can hang crystal lamps above the front door, outside and inside. They neutralize the negative influence of the southwest.

In contrast to southwest, northwest is considered a positive direction. It is useful to open the door of a house with a northwest facade, at least for a few hours a day, in order to let the useful energy of this direction into the house.

It should be borne in mind that feng shui is a very complex system, and recommendations that are suitable for some people may not be suitable for others. Feng Shui takes into account the personal qualities of a person - in particular, belonging to the so-called Western and Eastern groups. What is good for the people of the East is bad for the people of the West, and vice versa. To understand which group you belong to, you need to calculate your Gua number. The methodology for such a calculation can be found on the net, it is quite simple.

It must also be remembered that the rules of feng shui contribute to the acquisition of harmony and tranquility in the house, but still they are not decisive. In the first place is the person himself, the well-being in the house depends on the harmony of his soul.