How To Make A Compass In Minecraft

How To Make A Compass In Minecraft
How To Make A Compass In Minecraft

A compass is an item that helps you navigate the terrain. This is true in the real world and in the Minecraft game world. This useful thing seriously makes life easier for players, but it is unlikely to be able to do it at the initial stage of the game.

How to make a compass in minecraft
How to make a compass in minecraft

The compass in Minecraft does not work exactly like the real one. It points to the place where you first appeared in the newly created world. If your home is close to this point (this is a fairly common case), the compass will be useful and easy to use. If you have built your home away from this point, it will be a little more difficult to master the use of the compass.

Complex ingredients for a recipe

To create a compass, you need iron ingots and red dust. If iron in small quantities can be obtained at the very beginning of the game, then with red dust everything is a little more complicated.

The compass is used to create a map of the game world.

Iron is easily found in any cave, the level of which is below 64. You can get it with any pickaxe except a wooden one. The veins of iron ore are quite common, so you don't have to go on a long journey to get it, risking getting lost and perishing. It is enough to go down into the nearest cave, thoroughly illuminate its upper levels with torches and, most likely, you will find the desired source of iron. From the accumulated ore, you can smelt ingots in the furnace; you need to use coal as fuel, which is easily searched for in the same cave. You will need four ingots for the compass. By the way, in order to get red dust, you need an iron pickaxe, stone will no longer work. So the minimum amount of iron ore that needs to be mined at the initial stage is seven units.

Compass will not work in Nether. Its arrow will randomly rush from side to side.

Red Dust is mined from red ore, which can only be found in the deepest caves, between levels one and sixteen. True, at this depth, red ore is very common, so you can dig it up in excess, because from four to five heaps of red dust fall out of one block of ore, and you need only one unit of this resource on the compass. Be careful, going down to such depth, do not be greedy in search of red ore, you can get lost or die in lava, which is even deeper at a depth than the red stone itself.

Saving compass needle

After obtaining enough ingredients, make a compass. It can be made directly in the cave if you have a workbench with you or boards from which you can create it. The compass will help you get back to your home, especially in large cave systems where it is easy to get lost. Open the workbench interface, place a pile of red dust in the center slot, and place four iron ingots around it with a cross. The compass needs to be moved to the Quick Access Toolbar. This way you can see where he is pointing.
