Human body imaging is one of the most challenging drawing skills. In order to draw a leg, you need to know well its anatomical structure.

It is necessary
Pencil, eraser on paper
Step 1
To learn how to draw the lower limbs of a person, you should start by carefully studying various images of legs: photographs, drawings, paintings. Pay special attention to muscle relief: its structure is generally the same for all people, the difference lies only in the degree of muscle development. Remember how the positions of the foot, ankle and hip change in standing, sitting and lying states.
Step 2
To draw a leg with a pencil, it is better to have a nature in front of your eyes - it can be either a living person or an image from which you have to copy your drawing. For a start, it is better to stop at the image of the leg of a standing person. Draw the lower part of it first, then continue the ankle, and then complete the sketch with the image of the thigh part.
Step 3
For the foot, draw a right-angled triangle with the hypotenuse facing up. This is a schematic representation of the general shape of the foot. Then, using smooth lines, begin to draw the arch of the foot, toes, and the lower joint. After that, you will need to carefully erase the original straight lines. From the foot up, draw a narrow, highly elongated oval - this is the outline of the ankle. When depicting this part of the leg in profile, its front surface should be straight, and the back one should have a smoothly curved shape, formed by muscle relief.
Step 4
To draw the thigh with a pencil, draw another oval of a moderately elongated shape from the top of the ankle. It can be positioned both vertically and horizontally, depending on the intended position of the leg. Using a technique similar to drawing the ankle, draw realistic outlines of the thigh. To make the leg drawing more voluminous, use chiaroscuro draw the muscle relief.