How To Sculpt Animals From Clay

How To Sculpt Animals From Clay
How To Sculpt Animals From Clay

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Clay can be used to make a variety of toys - from houses and cars to animal figurines. To make the product look like a real one, you need to draw a sketch in advance and calculate the dimensions of the parts. In the case of toy animals, these calculations can be replaced with photographs of prototypes.

How to sculpt animals from clay
How to sculpt animals from clay


Step 1

Find pictures of the animals you want to sculpt. You will need a full face image of the character and a profile. Print these photos. They will guide you while you work.

Step 2

Measure with a ruler and calculate the proportions of all parts of the animal's body. These parameters must be observed if you want to make a realistic figurine. In the case of cartoon characters and stylization, you can get by with rough ideas about the size of the animal.

Step 3

Prepare the sculpting material. Knead the clay thoroughly in your hands, throw it vigorously on the table several times to remove air bubbles from the mass. If you skip this step, the toy may crack while drying. Separate a small portion of the clay, wrap the rest with a damp cloth and place in a bowl.

Step 4

The figurine can be folded from separate parts or "pulled" paws, tail, head from a single piece. The second option is suitable for small figures. When sculpting each element of your small sculpture, refer to the photograph and the calculated dimensions. If you are creating a whole animal from individual pieces, first sculpt them into geometric shapes. The legs and tails can be made into cylinders, the head can be made into a ball, etc. After that, use your fingers and a stack to refine the outlines of the elements.

Step 5

Connect the finished parts. At the same time, try to smear them with wet fingers as carefully as possible. If necessary, you can put a thin layer of clay in place of the joint, and then mask its borders. After assembly, restore the shape of the crumpled parts and draw small parts with a toothpick.

Step 6

Leave the finished product to dry in a shaded place. Do not place clay next to a radiator, under an air conditioner, or in a draft - the material should not experience temperature changes. After a week, the toy can be baked.

Step 7

Ideally, the clay should be baked in a muffle oven. You can look for such in the workshops, perhaps, for a fee, they will agree to bake a batch of sculpted animals. Use an oven at home. Place the figurine there, leave the door ajar. Raise the oven temperature gradually. It should reach 200 ° in two hours. Then the clay should gradually cool down. After that, the craft can be taken out and painted with acrylics.
