If you have old jeans at home (those that have already gone out of fashion or have become small), then do not rush to throw them away, because there are many ways to use them.

Step 1
The easiest and most obvious way to use old jeans is to make shorts out of them. If the jeans still fit you in size, but, for example, they are torn at the knee or the lower edge of the legs is frayed, then just take scissors and shorten the length of the jeans. You can wear new shorts at home or in the country.
Step 2
If several unsuitable jeans have accumulated, then sew a patchwork blanket out of them (patchwork is a patchwork needlework). The easiest way is to cut square pieces of denim (for example, fifteen by fifteen centimeters), and then sew them together. It is better to make such a bedspread in two layers so that all the seams can be hidden inside. If you want to insulate it, then make a layer of insulating material, for example, synthetic winterizer.
Step 3
Sew on small pillows. They can be done, again, in a patchwork style, or you can come up with something even more original. For example, make pillows in the shape of some animals. Use your creations to decorate your living room or nursery, or in your car on long journeys.
Step 4
Sew hot coasters or potholders. Since denim is quite dense, in this case, an additional layer can be omitted. Make the potholders of the shape you need, sew along the edges with a bias tape, tape or a narrow strip of fabric.
Step 5
Make a grocery bag. Around the world, conservationists are calling for the use of reusable canvas bags instead of plastic bags. Do your bit to preserve our planet's ecology by making a reusable denim grocery bag. It is sewn quite simply: you will need 2 rectangular pieces of fabric (can be sewn from patches) measuring thirty by fifty centimeters and two narrow strips of fabric (eight centimeters wide and the length you need) for the pens. The clasp in such a bag is optional.