One of the favorite children's cartoon characters is, of course, Luntik. He is also a very favorite children's soft toy. Many parents take and buy one for their children. And some mothers knit this purple miracle on their own. And they admit that giving a child such joy is not so difficult.

It is necessary
- threads (better than Iris 100%) in two colors: dark and light;
- hook;
- synthetic winterizer for filling;
- decor elements
Step 1
At the beginning of knitting, keep in mind that the head and body are knitted together, so you just need to partially subtract and then add the loops. So, first, tie a chain of 3 air loops and close it into a ring. The next row should be knitted like this: 8 single crochet stitches in these 3 air loops. Next, from the 2nd to the 7th row, add 3 single crochet successively.
Step 2
In the 8th row, you need to knit 5 more columns. And so you continue to knit up to the 11th row. Then knit about 4 cm of the fabric straight - without adding or subtracting loops. Starting from 21 rows, gradually and evenly decrease 7 loops. The 24th row is a collar, so knit 2 single crochets in each loop. Then knit straight. On rows 31 and 32, subtract 7 stitches. So you moved on to knitting directly the torso of Luntik.
Step 3
Knit the 33rd row in the same way as 24. As soon as you finish knitting it, fill your head with a padding polyester. Then knit straight, adding 7 loops through 11 rows. Repeat this for two more rows. Then knit straight again. Now start gradually decreasing the loops in each successive row. First, 5 loops, then 6, after 7. About a row of 57, you can stuff the body with padding polyester, and then knit further, decreasing 10 loops in each row. Pull off at the end of the thread.
Step 4
Now move on to knitting hands. With a light thread, you also need to dial 3 air loops and close them in a ring. In the first row, knit 8 single crochets, in the second add 4 single crochets evenly. In the 3rd - 6, in the 4th - 8. Then knit two rows straight, then begin to decrease the loops: 12 in the 8th row. Now change the thread to dark and tie 11 rows with single crochets. Stuff your hands with padding polyester and sew to the body. fingers are sewn with embroidery.
Step 5
The next step is legs. Again cast on 3 stitches and again in the first row, knit 8 single crochets. Then, in each row, add loops in an arithmetic progression (i.e. 2 at a time). From the 6th row, start knitting straight. In row 10, decrease the loops immediately by half. Then turn the work over and knit 11 single crochets. Then flip the knitting over again and add 11 more stitches. Continue knitting from row 13 to row 15. Stuff the heel with padding polyester, tie the foot, add the filler to the end and you can sew the legs to the body.
Step 6
Tie the circles for the abdomen and face of Luntik with a dark thread. Make eyes from the white thread. Sew all the details carefully to the body of the toy.
Step 7
Now you are left with only ears. And again 3 air loops. Then in the first row, knit 3 single crochets. On the second row, unfold the work, knit those stitches that you have and add 2. Then knit straight. Then add 2 single crochets again. Repeat this knitting pattern twice more. And already in the 11th row, subtract 2 loops. Repeat the same maneuver two more times. Then tie the entire ear with single crochet posts and sew to the body. Remember that you need 4 ears.