How To Make Handgam

How To Make Handgam
How To Make Handgam

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Handgum, also known as “smart plasticine” or “hand gum,” is one of the funniest toys for children and adults. It has unique physical properties: handgam can be thrown like a ball, but if left on the table, it will spread like liquid. You can buy smart play dough at the store, but you can also make it at home.

How to make handgam
How to make handgam

It is necessary

PVA glue; - sodium tetraborate; - dye; - alcohol; - silicate glue


Step 1

Buy PVA glue from the store. Be sure to check its expiration date - the glue must be of a recent production date. Get sodium tetraborate at the pharmacy. For coloring the handgam, you can take food colors, gouache or brilliant green.

Step 2

Pour the glue into a glass, add a few drops of your chosen dye and mix thoroughly with a wooden stick or pencil. When the color of the handgam blank becomes uniform, gently pour in 1 teaspoon of sodium tetraborate and continue stirring vigorously. The mixture will begin to thicken very quickly and collect on the pencil. Transfer it to a bag and knead it well. Handgam is ready.

Step 3

Some qualities of a homemade handgam will be inferior to a toy purchased in a store, but the main properties - to become solid under strong influence and liquid at rest - are observed in it. You can play with homemade hand gum for about a week, you need to store it in a closed container.

Step 4

For the second recipe for making a handgam, you need pure alcohol and clerical silicate glue. Mix the two ingredients in a 1: 1 ratio and stir until the mixture becomes viscous. Then rinse the resulting handgum under cold running water. Such a toy has good jumping ability, but, unfortunately, quickly hardens and collapses.
