What Wanga's Predictions Did Not Come True

What Wanga's Predictions Did Not Come True
What Wanga's Predictions Did Not Come True

Vanga was a legendary prophetess and clairvoyant, whom the whole world knew. Her predictions almost always came true and were not encrypted into puzzle verses, as Michel Nostradamus did. Wanga saw the future of humanity and prophesied amazing things that have come true long ago - however, there are several predictions that still remain a theory.

What Wanga's predictions did not come true
What Wanga's predictions did not come true

Gift of the Bulgarian blind

Fate gave a twelve-year-old girl from Bulgaria a terrible and, at the same time, amazing fate. Once a strong hurricane flew into her village, from which Vanga did not have time to hide. She was found littered with branches of fallen trees and with eyes clogged with sand. Since Vanga's parents did not have the funds for treatment, the girl remained blind. But over time, she discovered that instead of physical vision, she developed an amazing inner vision, which made Wanga the most famous clairvoyant.

Eyewitnesses claimed that when making predictions, the Bulgarian prophetess spoke in a strange voice, as if someone was speaking through her.

Vanga's first vision was a rider on horseback, who promised the blind girl the disclosure of many secrets. And so it happened - after the outbreak of World War II, Wanga began to see things inaccessible to the human eye. According to research carried out by the Institute of Suggestology and Parapsychology, about 70% of the prophecies from the predictions of the Bulgarian clairvoyant have come true.

Unfulfilled visions of Wanga

Of the unfulfilled predictions of Vanga, the most significant of them can be mentioned. So, in 1990, she predicted the death of American President George W. Bush from an airplane explosion. Also, the Bulgarian prophetess predicted the disappearance of one of the Arab states from the face of the Earth. Unfortunately, Vanga's prediction that after 2000 there will be no natural disasters and disasters on our planet, and people will live in peace and prosperity for a whole thousand years, did not come true.

Very often, Wanga mentioned the use of chemical weapons and the destruction of nature by radioactive fallout, but all the deadlines have passed, and nature is still alive.

In 2010, Wanga predicted the beginning of the third world war, which was supposed to end in 2014. According to her, onions, garlic, peppers and other plants will disappear from the face of the earth, and milk will become undrinkable. The prophetess also promised the invention of a cure for cancer, which scientists will "put in iron chains."

So, as you can see, some of the unfulfilled predictions of the Bulgarian clairvoyant would be great news for humanity - of course, if they became reality. However, we cannot look into the future, so who knows, suddenly peace, prosperity and a cure for cancer await us already at the next turn of our unpredictable history?
