Improvisation - from the Latin "unforeseen" - in the narrow sense of the ability to compose a melody on the go based on a harmonic sequence of rhythm or other "canvas". However, the ability to improvise does not come to a musician in the first lessons, but only upon reaching a certain experience and knowledge.

Step 1
Master the full course of learning to play the instrument: basic techniques, strokes, music theory, history, solfeggio, and instrumentation. The more you know, the wider the arsenal of tools that you can use in the future when improvising.
Step 2
Ask your bandmate to play the chord chain for you several times. This can be one of the standard chains described below, or your own. The main thing is that each chord should last a certain number of measures, and the total number of measures should be a multiple of four or eight.
Phrygian move: Am, G, F, E7.
Gold Sequence: Am, Dm, G, C, F, Bdim, E7, Am.
Jazz Turntable: C, Am, F, G.
Jazz Turntable Option: C, Am, Dm, G.
Another turntable option: C, A, D, G7.
Sequence unnamed: Am, F, G, E7.
All chords can be transposed to a different key - raised or lowered to any interval you want.
Step 3
While your partner is playing your chosen harmony sequence, begin playing the pentatonic steps in A minor. Apply different techniques: legato, staccato, tapping, harmonics. Change the rhythm as often as you see fit. Listen to your partner. Pay attention to which moves sound nice and which are fake. Use chromaticism - raising or lowering a step by half a tone. These side sounds are especially pleasant in grace notes and suspenders.
Step 4
In group improvisation, at some point you will have to recede into the background: leave the melody, play only the chords. Your partner will take over. Listen to it, learn from its merits, note its flaws.
Step 5
Gradually complicate the improvisation: add complex dimensions, triplets, square lengthening, etc. Use all the tools you know, but in moderation: improvisation on the guitar should not turn into a demonstration of your technical capabilities. It is a means of expressing musical thought.