How To Crochet A Shawl Quickly And Easily

How To Crochet A Shawl Quickly And Easily
How To Crochet A Shawl Quickly And Easily

Knitted shawls are back in trend, they appear on the catwalks in various incarnations. They can be beautifully thrown over your shoulders, tied over your head - decorate yourself and reliably protect yourself from the cold. Beginner needlewomen are interested in how to crochet a shawl easily and quickly. Having mastered a simple knitting pattern from the bottom corner, you will make your dream come true.

How to crochet a shawl quickly and easily, source: photobank
How to crochet a shawl quickly and easily, source: photobank

How to make shawl work easier

  1. If your dream is a knitted shawl of a variegated palette, the easiest way is to choose a sectional dyeing yarn. This will allow you to do without changing threads in the process of multicolor knitting.
  2. A simple shawl for beginners is knitted from the bottom corner, while the triangular fabric expands gradually with the addition of an additional pattern repeat. This way of working is extremely convenient, since it allows you to finish it at the right time and make the product in the right size.
  3. You can crochet a shawl easily and quickly from thick threads and hook No. 7 or No. 8. Great for cold weather. As a rule, the corresponding number of the working tool is indicated on the packaging of the yarn. If you did not find such a mark, stick to the rule: the diameter of the thread should be equal to the diameter of the thinnest point of the hook.

How to crochet a shawl from the bottom corner

  1. The beginning of knitting a shawl is 9 links of an air chain, which are closed in a circle. In the first row, you need to perform 5 air loops to lift the row (lifting loops, lifting loops), the same number of air loops and 3 double crochets in the initial ring of 9 loops. Knitting continues like this: 5 air loops, a column with three crochets in a ring.
  2. The second row of the triangular shawl begins with 4 lifting loops, followed by: 4 more air loops; single crochet in an arch of 5 air loops; a dozen air loops and a single crochet in the next arch; 4 air loops and a double crochet in the fifth air lifting loop of the first lower row.
  3. Third row: 5 lifting loops and the same amount of air; 3 double crochet in an arch of four links; 5 air loops; single crochet in an arch of ten air loops; 5 air loops; 3 double crochet into the next arch; 5 more air loops and a column with three crochets in the fourth lifting loop of the lower row.
  4. Fourth row: 4 lifting loops and the same number of air loops; single crochet in the arch and a dozen air loops; single crochet into another arch and 4 air loops; single crochet in the arch and 10 air loops; single crochet in the arch and 4 air loops; a column with two crochets in the fifth lifting loop of the lower row.

In this pattern, you should continue knitting the shawl. Every odd row will start with five lifting loops, every even row will start with four. The triangular web will gradually expand until it reaches the required size.

Now you know how to crochet a shawl quickly and easily, but you may also want to decorate it with tassels. To do this, you just need to cut the yarn and fold it into bunches, thread them at certain intervals into the edge loops and, folding in half, tie.

On the Internet or in craft magazines, you can look at other crocheted shawls and pick up any pattern that can be done for a triangular cloth from the bottom corner.
