Experienced Minecraft gamers are familiar with recipes for many different mechanisms and items. They use this knowledge, among other things, to furnish their virtual home with the necessary household appliances. However, sometimes they break. Some tools will come in handy to fix them, most notably a wrench. How to craft it?

Wrench in Industrial Craft2
It is important to remember that there is no such item in the regular version of Minecraft. It is impossible to get it even ready-made. Therefore, to gain a chance to create such a popular tool, the player will need to install any of the mods in which the wrench appears in the gameplay.
In this regard, it is worth paying attention primarily to Industrial Craft2. This modification is known to many gamers who have already managed to take advantage of the opportunity it offers to create a world around them, similar to the one that exists in the twenty-first century. Here you can build modern cities and introduce technical innovations.
To repair many of these newer mechanisms in the event of a malfunction, a wrench will be required. In addition, it is used to dismantle a variety of devices. If you just try to destroy them with a pickaxe, only the body of the mechanism or an ordinary generator will fall out (depending on which device is being disassembled). In order to receive all the original components in such a situation, it is precisely a wrench that is required.
Crafting it with the above mod is very easy. This requires only six bronze ingots. They must be placed on the workbench so that the middle cell of the upper row and the extreme slots of the lower one remain unoccupied.
However, bronze ingots still need to be obtained. They are obtained in two ways - by separating blocks of a given metal or by melting its dust in a furnace. The latter is obtained by combining dust from copper and lead in a three-to-one ratio on a workbench.
Building the same tool in BuildCraft and Forestry
However, not only Industrial Craft2 makes it possible to get such a valuable tool as a wrench into your inventory. It is added in some other mods as well. True, in this case, the recipe for its purpose and its crafting may differ.
In BuildCraft, it serves to change the directions of transport pipes and is able to turn any engines compatible with this mod. A wrench is created here from two types of resources - iron ingots (they are obtained by melting the ore of a given metal in a furnace) and a stone gear. The latter must be placed in the center of the workbench, and the ingots in the amount of three pieces must be placed directly under it and in both upper corners.
Stone gear is crafted from wood. It is installed in the central slot of the machine, and four cobblestones are placed on the sides, above and below it. In turn, a wooden gear is made from four sticks. They are located on the workbench in the form of a diamond.
In the Forestry mod, the wrench is also designed to turn the motors in the right direction. Moreover, it is suitable only for motors made according to the recipes of this modification. The key is made here from four bronze ingots, placed in the grid of the workbench in the same way as the resources for creating the same tool in BuildCraft.
Bronze ingots in this case can be taken from other mods or made according to a recipe that is unique to Forestry. In the latter case, fused pieces of copper and tin will be required - in an amount of three to one. They are placed on the workbench in a square, but so that the tin ingot is in the lower right corner of this figure. Now all that remains is to make a key - which, by the way, does not wear out - and test it in action.