Crafting is the only way to make the necessary tools, weapons, and useful items in Minecraft. There are at least one and a half hundred crafting recipes.

Step 1
The general meaning of creating items in Minecraft is that the components (blocks) placed in a certain order in the workbench turn into a created item. In order to create this or that thing, you need to open the workbench interface by right-clicking on it. After that, you need to place the ingredients from the backpack into the corresponding cells of the workbench, according to the recipe. Recipes for creating items can be found in the Minecraft instructions. If everything is done correctly, then a created item will appear in the right cell of the workbench, which can be picked up by clicking on it with the left mouse button.

Step 2
There are several nuances. When making a recipe in which the ingredients need to be arranged diagonally (for example, a pickaxe), you can lay out the ingredients in any direction. So, in the case of a pickaxe in the top row, the ingredient block can occupy both the right and left corners.

Step 3
Planks, wool, stone bricks and sandstone can be of any kind. They can be combined in one recipe by placing them in different cells. For example, a bed is made up of three blocks of planks placed horizontally and three blocks of wool above them, also in a line. All three blocks of planks can be made from different types of wood, and the wool can be of different colors. This will not affect the final result.
Step 4
If the recipe consists of two ingredients, they can be placed in the specified order in any part of the workbench grid, or you can use the crafting slot in the character window for this. These small recipes include the processes of creating a torch, flint, dyes, fireballs.

Step 5
You can craft things in large quantities by putting ingredients on the workbench in stacks (64 units). Holding down shift, you will take out the maximum number of items from the result window that can be made from the available amount of ingredients. If you click on the cell of results with the mouse, the ingredients will be consumed one by one of each type. Bulk craft is suitable for creating torches, planks, bricks, etc.