How To Enter Codes In Turok

How To Enter Codes In Turok
How To Enter Codes In Turok

Table of contents:


With the help of various codes, you can significantly improve some of the functions and options of the game, as well as open its hidden features. With these little tricks, the Turk will sparkle for users with new and bright colors.

How to enter codes in Turok
How to enter codes in Turok

It is necessary

Game of the Turks


Step 1

The first-person shooter Turok can be even more fun for many than before. The main thing is to know which codes and for which options or secret features you need to enter. If the code can be found without any problems on the Internet, then some difficulties may arise with its input. Because not every gamer knows how to correctly and where to enter it.

Step 2

In fact, this can be done in a matter of minutes and without any special effort. It is enough to carry out several actions as accurately and correctly as possible and the hidden opportunity will become available! First, open the Turok game directory. Then find a folder in it called Config. In this folder, find a document with the following name - TurokInput.ini.

Step 3

Please note that this file must be opened with a text editor (it all depends on the user's preference). In this document, look for the following lines:

[Engine. Console]

MaxScrollbackSize = 1024

HistoryBot = 0

ConsoleKey = None

Step 4

This configuration needs to be transformed. Do it like this:

Engine. Console]

MaxScrollbackSize = 1024

HistoryBot = 0

ConsoleKey = end

Step 5

After all these steps have been completed, double-check that the configuration changes in the TurokInput.ini document are correct. If everything is done correctly, then you can safely save the text file and close it. Now start the game Turok on your personal computer. During the game, you need to press the page scrolling key - End, which is located next to the Delete button.

Step 6

This will invoke the required console for specifying the codes. Now you can enter codes in Turok without any problems. If the console does not appear, then check the correctness of steps 1 and 3. Perhaps there is something wrong.
