Today you will not surprise anyone with store toys. Factory-made models of different complexity, appearance, functions and cost simply cannot compete with hand-made toys just because handmade toys are unique, they are unique, they keep human warmth. And it doesn't matter at all what you create with your own hands - a beautiful doll or a cobra snake loved by few people.

Step 1
The process of making a soft toy itself takes place in several stages. First, we select the material and prepare it for work. That is, if necessary, we wash it or steam it. Then the details are cut out. Basting, stitching and stuffing. The final stage is registration.
Step 2
As for the pattern, it is best to make it out of cardboard. This is due to the fact that solid patterns are much tighter to the fabric and are easier to trace. The resulting pattern is applied to the seamy side of the material, pressed and outlined with a pen or sharpened pencil. It is undesirable to trace with chalk, as this distorts the pattern itself.
Step 3
As for the cobra, you can sew it from anything. Printed fabrics and satin, knitwear and silk, and many others will do. Well, if you decide to make a giant cobra, then the best in this case is fur, of course artificial. Depending on the material chosen, the cobra can be made with a different character.
Step 4
The pattern can be found in old magazines or on the internet. Do not be discouraged if the found pattern is small. It can always be increased. And then your computer will come to your aid. This can be done using various graphic editors, for example, Photoshop or using the Word program. After the pattern is printed, you can lengthen it as much as you like. In order for your cobra to not be too soft, you need to make a wire frame in advance.
Step 5
If you do the whole process of sewing a cobra yourself, then you are given the opportunity to realize your fantasies. And if you purchased a ready-made kit, you will have to follow the instructions.
Step 6
Involve your children in these activities. In addition to the fact that the child acquires new skills in the process of work, he also learns discipline and perseverance. He develops motor skills and attention. And the process of creating a toy itself will help develop the child's creative abilities.