How To Draw A Cogwheel

How To Draw A Cogwheel
How To Draw A Cogwheel

Table of contents:


A gear wheel is a part of the gearbox mechanism, which serves to transmit the power of the electric motor to the working machine. The most commonly used are such wheels with straight and helical teeth in spur and bevel gears.


Step 1

Cogwheels with straight teeth are used for direct rotational movement of the drive shaft to the driven one. If such a movement is carried out at any angle, oblique or bevel gears are used, in which the tooth has a variable modulus in length.

Step 2

Bevel gears are traced along the initial large diameter of the circle, therefore, depressions are not drawn in the main view.

To make a drawing, measure and calculate all elements of the gear wheel in accordance with GOST 9563-60. Determine the outer diameter of the projections, teeth De, the modulus of engagement t, the diameter of the initial circle d, the pitch t, the height of the tooth L, the height of the tooth head h ', the height of the tooth leg L , the diameter of the inner circle Di, the thickness of the tooth s, the width of the root se, the working wheel width L, hub length 1X, shaft hole diameter dt, hub outer diameter d2 All letter designations are adopted in accordance with OST VKS 8089.

Step 3

Usually, the profiles of the teeth are drawn in a simplified way, with circular arcs. Draw circles of the given diameters De, d, Di with a solid main line. Draw an additional circle with a thin line, along which the arcs are located, outlining the profile of the tooth.

Step 4

Place additional information about the gearing module, the number and angle of inclination of the teeth, etc. in the table of parameters in accordance with GOST 9250-59, which is located in the upper right corner of the drawing.

Step 5

Also, in accordance with GOST 2.403-75 ESKD, a profile section of the gear is drawn. Draw the lines indicating the circles and forming the surfaces of the teeth protrusions with a solid main line. The lines indicating the circle of the valleys are represented by a dashed line. Do not shade the teeth that are in the plane of the cut.
