How To Go Spearfishing

How To Go Spearfishing
How To Go Spearfishing

Underwater hunting is a sport that is not alien to the spirit of adventurism. It requires a lot of time and money, which can pay off in full if you become a fan of this type of vacation.

How to go spearfishing
How to go spearfishing


It is advisable to start spearfishing under the guidance of an experienced instructor. He will be able to competently suggest all the subtleties of this type of leisure, advise you on all available issues, and also help save a lot of time to deal with all the intricacies of spearfishing on your own.


If for some reason the instructor could not be found, do not despair. It is quite possible to start spearfishing on your own. First of all, you need equipment for this. You can buy it in specialized stores. At first, you should not buy the most expensive set of ammunition, but you should not save too much. It is better to choose the middle ground, then try out the equipment in real conditions, gain some experience and buy the necessary parts to your liking. It is worth choosing equipment and equipment based on the conditions in which you are going to hunt.

Regardless of the ambient or water temperature, you should dive in a year-protective suit. The water can only be warm on the surface, the lower layers are usually much colder. In addition, the aquatic environment is unnatural, so maintaining a comfortable temperature is very important. With a temperature imbalance or hypothermia, you can not only harm your body, but you will also experience constant discomfort, which distracts from the hunting process and reduces the emotional mood. This can lead to serious consequences that will diminish your further desire to engage in spearfishing.

In addition, the wetsuit not only protects the body from freezing, but also provides excellent protection against injuries, cuts and unpleasant contact with aquatic vegetation, rocks and shells. Without a belt with weights, water protection can serve as a kind of life jacket, adding 5-15 kilograms of positive buoyancy to you.

Safety engineering

Always put your safety first. No matter how excellent a diver you think you are, no matter what experience you have, no matter how safe a dive site may look, you shouldn't be overconfident. You need to constantly monitor the situation, have additional protective equipment, observe safety precautions, know first aid techniques, in no case do diving and swimming if you feel unwell or while intoxicated. You should remember about the possibility of injury, the occurrence of unforeseen situations and be prepared for them.


Always try to hunt in pairs. Thousands of cases are known when it was the partner who managed to save the life of the underwater hunter. Going out hunting in pairs, you not only observe safety precautions, but also have the opportunity to track your partner's mistakes and mistakes and avoid them in the future.
