If you enjoy skating on the slopes, cutting through the air, just buy skis at the store. And for those who are more predisposed to long walks in a snow-covered forest, you can make your own skis with a soft mount. Of course, soft bindings, like home-made skis, are gradually becoming a thing of the past, but avid hunters are still interested in making skis for winter hunting and forest walks.

Step 1
For self-made skis, you can take boards about 5 cm thick. Peel the board from the bark, saw it into bars 10 cm wide and 3-4 cm thick. You can split the trunk along the length, getting two identical bars. The length of the bar should be equal to the height of the skier with a vertically raised arm.
Step 2
Now tie the bars tightly at the ends, put spacers (8-10 cm) between them and leave to dry in a hot place for a week. After drying, shape the skis into the skis. To lift the toes of your skis, heat them up with a blowtorch or by the stove, or soak them in hot water until you can bend them and secure them in the shoe. After making sure that the ends of the skis are bent evenly, dry them on the oven for 3-4 days.
Step 3
After drying the skis, start processing. On the underside of the skis, shave a semi-circular groove for better glide from the heel to the lift of the bend of the skis. The width of the gutter is 12-15 mm, the depth is 2 mm.
Step 4
Hollow out in the place where your leg will stand, a hole for the front (nose) belt 4-5 mm wide, 3 cm long. If you hang the ski by the front belt, then the front of the ski should slightly outweigh. You won't need more straps for skiing in felt boots.
Step 5
Sand thoroughly, cover with varnish, tar or resin the entire surface of the skis.
Step 6
Apply resin to the underside of the ski for good glide. First warm it up by the stove, then cover it with resin and heat it up again. Avoid charring the ski and make sure the resin is absorbed evenly. After impregnation with resin, the sliding surface should darken and turn dark brown. Insert a spacer between the still heated skis and tie at the ends, and rub the upper part and sides of the skis with wax so that the snow does not stick to them. And on the cargo platform, on which the leg will be located, fill a piece of tin, thin iron or smooth rubber, then the snow will not stick to the platform.