Agate Stone: Magical And Healing Properties

Agate Stone: Magical And Healing Properties
Agate Stone: Magical And Healing Properties

Agate stone is a kind of mineral. At the present stage, there are about 150 varieties of it. Stones differ from each other not only in color, but also in chemical composition. Some minerals are completely different. However, they are still one and the same stone with a wide range of magical and healing properties.

Agate stone
Agate stone

The agate stone was first found in Sicily. The mineral was found next to the Achates River, after which it got its name. But this is official information. According to legends, the name of the stone was given by the ancient Greeks. Translated, the name sounds like "kind".

The minerals on which the eye is drawn are often called the "Eye of God". In Italy, in ancient times, such a gem was worn by creative people whose activities were associated with the cutting of precious products.

Healing properties

Agate, according to lithotherapists, has a number of qualities that will help get rid of many diseases. The healing characteristics of a gem largely depend on its shade.

  1. Red agate helps fight infections and strengthen blood vessels. If placed on the chest, it will relieve heart problems.
  2. White agate is able to cleanse the body of unnecessary substances.
  3. Black mineral helps to cope with anxiety.
  4. Tortoiseshell agate should be used during massage. With its help, it will be possible to get rid of fatigue and recover from surgery.
  5. Blue agate helps in the treatment of the thyroid gland. It is also effective in getting rid of a lingering cough.
  6. In ancient times, wounds were washed with powdered agate so that they heal faster.

Eye agate with concentric layers is a mineral with the greatest set of medicinal properties.

Magical properties

Agate has powerful energy. In ancient times, it was often used in mystical practices. The magical properties of a stone largely depend on its color.

  1. Black agate helps to find a way out of a difficult situation. If a man will wear it, potency and attractiveness will increase. It is not advisable to resort to the help of this mineral too often. Otherwise, he will begin to harm his owner.
  2. Blue agate will help develop talent. Best of all, such a stone is suitable for writers, copywriters.
  3. A brown mineral is good for scientists. He will not only help to make a variety of discoveries, but will also attract wealth.
  4. Tortoiseshell agate attracts good luck in the life of its owner. With its help, you can find harmony and realize old plans.
  5. Botswana mineral should be worn by gardeners and summer residents. It suits mainly those people whose activities are related to the earth. It will help to get rid of such a negative habit as smoking.
  6. The fire gem will help to cope with the evil eye and curse. It feeds its owner with energy. With its help, you can become more confident and decisive.
  7. Green agate is a stone that will help you achieve justice.
  8. The purple mineral is worth using in magical practices.
  9. Hairy - agate, which is a love stone. It is recommended to wear it for women.
Tortoiseshell agate
Tortoiseshell agate

With a gem available, you cannot easily achieve great heights. But the stone will become a reliable protector and assistant for you.

Who is it suitable for? Agate is best purchased by creative individuals, because he helps to reveal talents. The stone is suitable for representatives of signs such as Virgo and Taurus. It is not recommended to purchase the mineral for Aries and Scorpions.