How To Draw A Toad

How To Draw A Toad
How To Draw A Toad

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Drawing the inhabitants of the surrounding fields, forests and swamps is a fascinating experience. In addition, all kinds of mice, frogs, moles, rabbits and others are often heroes of fairy tales. True, animals drawn from nature and fairy-tale characters can be very different from each other. The toad from the garden and the toad from Thumbelina are different toads, although they have some common features. Try to draw a fabulous toad. She will turn out to be more stylized, but in general the proportions of her body are exactly the same as those of the real toad.

How to draw a toad
How to draw a toad

It is necessary

  • - paper;
  • - a simple pencil;
  • - colour pencils;
  • - pictures with toads or a toy.


Step 1

Determine the place on the sheet where the toad figurine will be. You don't have to mark the place, just imagine where you will draw. This is best done in the middle of the sheet. The position of the paper can be any.

Step 2

Start drawing the toad from the eyes. This is perhaps its most characteristic detail. Draw 2 rather large circles at some distance from each other. Find about the middle of the top line of the eye and connect it with the other to the middle of the bottom line. You got an eyelid. Draw the exact same arc for the second eye. The arcs must "look" in the same direction, otherwise the toad will have a squint. Find the center of the iris and draw a short vertical line across it. Draw the exact same pupil on the second eye.

Step 3

Connect the eyes with a slightly curved line. The convex part is directed towards the upper edge of the sheet. Continue this arc beyond the outer sides of the eyes for segments approximately equal to half the distance between the eyes.

Step 4

Find the middle of the gap between the eyes and mentally lower the perpendicular from this point to a distance approximately equal to the height of the head. Connect this point to the ends of the arc where the eyes are located.

Step 5

Draw a horizontal line approximately in the middle of the head, along its largest width. Step back a little from the edge and circle the line fatter, a little short of reaching the other edge. Draw converging lines down from the end points. You have a triangular mouth.

Step 6

Start drawing the oval of the torso just above the edge of the chin. Lead the line down. Draw a wide oval, almost a circle. The toad will be fat. Finish the torso line on the other side at the level of its beginning. Inside the body, stepping back a little from the edge, you can draw another oval - the abdomen.

Step 7

Draw the front legs of the toad. In the upper part of the body, step back slightly from the oval line and draw 2 short parallel lines downward at a short distance from each other. Draw 2 more lines at an arbitrary angle. Finish the leg with a 5-hoop brush. Draw the other foot in the same way.

Step 8

Draw the hind legs. On the left side of the body, about 1/3 of the height of the oval, draw a short, straight line to the left and up. From the end point of this line, draw a line parallel to the side edge of the sheet. It should end just below the oval. Draw parallel lines from below to these lines. Finish the foot with a brush. Draw the second toad leg symmetrically to the first.

Step 9

Draw something useful for the toad. This could be the leaf she is sitting on. It is a large horizontal oval, the distant part of which is not visible due to the body of the toad. You can draw a nutshell for Thumbelina. It is a semi-oval standing on a convex part.
