How To Make A Totem

How To Make A Totem
How To Make A Totem

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In Indian culture, the totem symbolized the image of some kind of animal, strong, cunning or dexterous. They worshiped him, asked for protection and help, and also made sacrifices. Totems were made according to the rules passed down from generation to generation, but today the totem has lost its ritual significance, it is more of a decoration.

How to make a totem
How to make a totem

It is necessary

linden board, size 0, 5 by 0, 3 m., furniture stapler, set of incisors, multicolored beads of all sizes and shapes, long and narrow strip of natural fur, gouache and pencils


Step 1

Before starting work, prepare a pencil sketch of your totem, and only then go to the tree and transfer the image of your choice to the totem. After that "cut off" the excess with a cutter.

Step 2

Next comes grinding. For sanding, you can use fine-grained sandpaper or a small cutter, the work is quite painstaking, but the result will justify all your efforts. On this, the main part of the totem is ready.

Step 3

Now you can start decorating your totem. First of all, take on the coloring of the totem and try not to go beyond the pre-selected color scheme. After painting, dry your product thoroughly and cover it with clear furniture varnish. Then glue randomly strung beads around the perimeter of your totem (choose a strong thread). Use a furniture stapler to sew fur around the edges of your totem.

Step 4

The finished totem can be hung in any part of the apartment, and it will not only delight the eye, but also bring good luck to your family.
