The pike has always been a worthy trophy for fishermen. No matter how interesting it would be to catch carp, bream or perch, the fight against a toothy predator inspires inexplicable delight. Moreover, the weight and size of this fish is sometimes very impressive. There are several ways to catch pike almost all year round.

Step 1
Spinning for pike is common. During the periods of post-spawning zhora in the spring and autumn fattening for the winter, pike is not picky and is perfectly caught with spinning lures. On sale there are metal lures of various designs, vibro-tails and wobblers.
Step 2
Wobblers are recognized as the most catchy, it is not known what attracts a pike in this, sometimes not like a fish, bait: the noise of a wobbler or water vibrations from its movement. But the fact remains - the pike almost never misses the wobbler. When choosing a soft fish (vibrotail), it is better to stop at the one that looks like the usual pike hunting objects in this reservoir.
Step 3
Places for fishing with a spinning rod are chosen not shorted. Usually a large area is fished with a fan, after which the angler moves to another place. Having grabbed the bait from the raid, the pike continues to move forward, and, sometimes, this moment for the angler is like the hook of a spoon on the grass. Therefore, you cannot be late with the sweep. It must be done with a sharp forceful movement so that the tee will surely pierce the hard mouth of the pike. Then weary the fish and bring it to the shore.
Step 4
You can catch a pike on live bait with a float rod. You will need a long rod, a 0.3-0.4 mm line with a metal leader, a reel and a float that can hold live bait. A live fish is mounted on a double or triple hook by the skin of the back, lip or through the gills, and is thrown from the shore or boat to the favorite hunting grounds for pike. As soon as the float disappears under the water, a hook is made and the fish is hauled out.
Step 5
You can catch a pike on circles - flat discs with a vertical axis, painted from different sides in bright colors. In this way, fish are caught from a boat. The fishing line is wound on the upper part of the axis of the circle, fix it so that it does not immediately unwind, and a live bait is put on the tee. After that, several circles are allowed to float freely and observe them. After a bite, the pike turns the circle over, which is immediately visible from afar by the changed color. This method requires skill.
Step 6
Fishing for pike is very interesting. This is a wooden flyer, fixed on a pole near the shore. The principle is almost the same as when fishing with circles. The pike grabs the live bait, leaves with the prey to the side and pulls the line off the girder. The line unwinds, the pike stops after a few meters, unfolds the bait and swallows, after which it realizes that it has been caught. You can catch pike on the girders in winter. There is no need to watch the ghosts, they are put up for the night, and in the morning they collect the catch.