For pike fishing to be effective, you need to know the behavior of this fish and its preferred habitats. The fisherman will need special equipment that is designed to catch predatory fish.

The coastal strip is mainly occupied by young pike, since all areas promising in terms of hunting are occupied by larger individuals. The favorite places of this predator are driftwood, thickets of algae or grasses, large boulders and rocky ridges. If you find a place where the pike prefers to hunt, the fishing will be so successful that the bite can last a whole day.
Winter fishing tactics and techniques
Effective pike fishing is observed at a time when the ice on the reservoir is just beginning to set up or is melting. Therefore, the most successful fishing is in November-December and March-April. First, reconnaissance is carried out and it is established at what depth the pike is currently holding. To do this, put part of the girders on the rocks, part - in deeper places or above the pits.
If after an hour there is no bite, the girders are transferred to 10-20 m. This is done until a good place is found. Prudent fishermen drill holes in advance, given that they will still have to transfer the rig. If biting is observed only in one hole, and all the others are "silent", you should not move the girders to it. Better to start looking for another place for them. You should know that the faster the ice melts, the closer the pike keeps to the shore.
How to spin pike?
When fishing with a spinning rod, the length of the rod should be such that casting is easy. The optimal tackle is 2.4 m. From reels it is better to take a line capacity of 2500 Shimano or Shimano alivia. With its sharp teeth, the pike quite often bites the line, therefore, to fish for this predator, you need to have a supply of equipment. The PowerPro 0.15 line is convenient for pike fishing. It is inexpensive and long enough. Low stretch Suffix 0.22-0.25 mm mono lines can be used.
From the bait it is better to use spinning and oscillating spoons, wobblers, silicone twisters, jerk. Fishing with wobblers is effective, but this rig is demanding on the quality of spinning and requires skills. The best option for a beginner is Mepps aglia, Mepps comet No. 3, No. 4, No. 2. Copper, silvery lures with red dots are effective.
Having thrown the spinning rod, they begin a uniform, unhurried leash. If you speed up the movement, the spoon will rise, if you slow down, it will sink to the bottom. It is best to drive the bait near thickets of reeds, not far from underwater hornwort bushes, near boulders and snags. If pike is found here, it will surely bite soon.