The virtuosity of playing the violin largely depends on whether the violinist holds the instrument correctly in his hands, how well he can handle the bow, how subtly he feels the music, how long he has been practicing and other things. First you need to learn how to hold the violin correctly.

Step 1
Remember to hold the violin on the left and hold the bow in your right hand. In case you are left-handed, hold the violin to your right and leave your left hand free to bow.
Step 2
Do not rest your chin on the pillow, it is designed to better support the instrument, not to support the neck.
Step 3
When playing the violin, do not push the bow forcefully. Press lightly on the strings with your fingers, study what sound the violin makes at the same time. Let your hand be relaxed while doing this. Many virtuoso violinists held the bow using different fingers. Feel how it is more convenient for you to use the bow.
Step 4
Try to keep the instrument at eye level to keep the neck in your field of vision. Place the fingers of your left hand perpendicular to the strings and closer to the soundboard so that you can easily hit the string with your very fingertips.
Step 5
If necessary, you can raise the violin slightly upward - this will make it more convenient for you to wield the bow, but try not to touch your body with your left hand. You can lean slightly to the right, pointing your left hand toward your right and your right toward your left.
Step 6
To make you comfortable playing, aim your left thumb towards the middle one, but do not extend it over the neck.
Step 7
You can practice holding the bow in your hands on a pencil. Be guided in this by the main principle: the hand should be relaxed, but at the same time fixed. To do this, relax your hand, with your thumb and forefinger touching. Insert a pencil into the resulting ring, slightly holding it with the middle and ring fingers. At the same time, the little finger remains relaxed. Train daily. Soon your hand will get used to this position, then you can safely pick up the bow.
Step 8
After studying all the rules, find your own, find such a position of the violin and bow, in which you will be comfortable. Play how you feel and give yourself up to the sensations.