Ekaterina Andreeva is not only a talented TV presenter, but also a faithful caring wife. For more than 20 years, the star has been living with her second husband and is happily married.

Ekaterina Andreeva is now married for the second time. It is interesting that practically nothing is known about the first wife of the TV presenter, but it was from him that the daughter of the star, Natasha, was born.
School love
Popular TV presenter Ekaterina Andreeva does not like to remember and talk about her first marriage. But journalists still managed to find out some information about him.
Catherine had known her first husband, Andrei Nazarov, since childhood. The future spouses went to the same school and at first they were just friends. Over time, they realized that they have something more for each other than just a friendly attitude. Shortly after leaving school, a modest wedding took place.

In her first marriage, Catherine had her only daughter, Natalya. Today, the girl is already quite an adult and has long been living separately from her star mother. Natasha did not want to follow in the footsteps of the famous parent and became a lawyer. Fans notice every time how mother and daughter look alike. Natalia is an exact copy of the young Andreeva.
Catherine never told for what reasons her first marriage broke up. It is also unknown whether the ex-spouses are now communicating and whether Andrei helped the TV presenter in raising a common daughter.
Businessman from Montenegro
With Dushan, who later became her second husband, Catherine met quite by accident. The lawyer came to Russia on business. One day, while browsing the news, he became interested in the beautiful presenter and decided to find her phone number in any way. At the same time, Dusan did not know a word of Russian.
After the first meeting, Andreeva honestly admitted that her new acquaintance did not hook her. The language barrier especially interfered with the couple. But this did not frighten Dusan Perovich. For three long years he sought his beloved and did everything to win her over. As a result, the persistent man succeeded. During the entire period of courtship, Dusan diligently studied Russian, regularly visited his chosen one, literally showered her with flowers and expensive gifts.

As a result, the businessman came to Catherine with a ring and made her a marriage proposal. By that time, Andreeva had already realized that next to her was the same man with whom the TV star would like to live her whole life. Soon the couple went to apply to the registry office. But at this stage, the lovers had serious problems. In the 90s, marriages with foreigners were rarely concluded in Russia, so Dushan had to endlessly travel home from Moscow and collect numerous requested certificates. For the sake of his beloved woman, he was ready to overcome any obstacles, and in 1997 the long-awaited wedding took place.
Family life
Dusan and Ekaterina decided not only to sign, but also to get married in the church. From that moment, the couple have lived together to this day. In the second marriage, Andreeva did not have children, but Dushan became a loving and understanding stepfather for Natalia. By the way, it was he who largely influenced the choice of the girl's future profession.

Today, Catherine in almost every interview declares that she lives with an ideal man. Even after many years, she still loves her companion and has never regretted the decision to marry him. Over the past years, Dushan has perfectly learned Russian and now communicates with his wife without any barriers.
The couple does not hide the presence of some problems in the relationship. For example, Andreeva admits that she and her husband are very different. Dusan is a pedant, and Catherine often throws her things around. If at first the man was very annoyed, now he just silently puts things in order. The TV presenter also learned to close her eyes to some of her husband's shortcomings. For example, the romantic and gentle Andreeva is already accustomed to the fact that her beloved is a pragmatist, who does not know how to arrange surprises and give unexpected gifts at all. Before the holidays, Dushan simply asks his wife what she wants to receive, and then pays for her order.

But lovers have a common hobby that brings them together - travel. The spouses explore the world together and sometimes go to the most hidden corners of the planet that are not popular among tourists. Often they are accompanied by Catherine's daughter from her first marriage.