A skill in the multiplayer game Lineage II refers to an individual skill of a character. As your hero develops and levels up, he can learn skills and use them in battles with other characters or monsters. Skills can be strengthened and improved. How is this done?

It is necessary
- - installed client Lineage II;
- - playable character.
Step 1
Find your class's guild. Guilds of all classes and races of the game operate in each city. You can study or increase the character's skill when you reach a certain level of the character. To do this, find a master of your class in the guild. With the exception of the gnome race, the rest of the races have the class of magician and warrior, skills are learned and raised in guilds from the master for the magician and from the master for the warrior. Separately, the study of the class from the magician healer is highlighted, the skills for this class are learned from the shepherd (priest). The race of gnomes does not have magic classes, gnomes teach and improve skills in a forge and in a warehouse, respectively, for a blacksmith and gatherer class. When learning or increasing the level of skills, SP skill points are spent, which are accumulated in the process of hunting monsters and completing certain quests.
Step 2
Obtain a Giant's Codex. The gameplay provides for the so-called "sharpening" of skills, which increases the effect of a skill in one of the directions. There are two types of codes to enhance skills. Sharpening with the usual Code of Giants is unsafe, there is a chance to nullify the skill enhancement. Enhancing Skill with Code of Giants - Mastery is safer. In case of unsuccessful sharpening, the skill is not reset, but a certain amount of money and SP is spent. The amount of money and SP spent on unsuccessful sharpening depends on the character's level. The higher the level, the more adena and SP you will lose.
Step 3
Select a skill, click the "Improve" button. In the pop-up window, select the direction of amplification. The skill increase is done in the skills menu. You should have the required amount of Giant's Codex in your inventory. If you want to improve your skill with the Code of Giants - Mastery, put a tick in the box next to the inscription "Safe". Click the Upgrade button. A successful sharpening increases the skill by +1 and spends a certain amount of adena from the inventory.