The Witcher is a computer game based on a series of novels by the famous Polish writer Andrzej Sapkowski. If you love science fiction and role-playing computer games, you should definitely plunge into its unknown world. To start the game, read the installation rules and enjoy!
Step 1
Open the boot disk or folder where you store the game. Find the SPTDinst-v150-x86.exe file, run it by double-clicking the left mouse button. After the installation is complete, the computer will require you to reboot. It is not necessary to do this, but it is desirable for the installed application to work more correctly.
Step 2
After rebooting, find the DTPro. Advanced. Full file in the game folder. Run its installation. After the installation is complete, move the dtproAdv-key-L33VaN.4100218 file to the DTPro installation directory, then place there. This can be done by simply dragging the necessary files with the mouse, or using the "Cut" - "Paste" functions.
Step 3
Run the file. If the computer requires a restart, it is better to do it in order to avoid errors in the program.
Step 4
After rebooting, in the DTPro. Advanced. Full Service tab, select ADD ide virtual drive. After that, the virtual IDE Disk will be created. If you do not have such a line, go to the "Tools" menu and select the "Manage virtual devices" tab there. There, put two checkmarks to create a virtual disk.
Step 5
Mount the image of The Witcher on the created virtual disk. Once complete, install the game and then patch 1.1. After that, you can already enjoy the game.