The first part of The Sims was released back in 2000. In the fall of 2014, The Sims 4 will be released. In the meantime, players continue to control characters in the game world of 3 parts and addons. When you get bored with standard objects, and you don't have the time or desire to create your own, you can download them on the Internet and embed them into the game.

What files are there and what to do with them
The files created by the Sims team can be downloaded from Most of the facilities are paid. On other sites and forums, fans of the game post objects designed by them for free or for a purely symbolic reward. If you downloaded a house for your characters and do not know how to load it into the game, see what extension the file has.
Files with the. Sims3Pack extension are self-installing archives. They are easily recognizable by their icon - a blue square with a green diamond (like the icon in the original The Sims 3). To embed such an object into the game, you need to double-click on the file and wait for the Sims 3 Launcher to open. By the way, using this program, you can not only install, but also view and delete files. If the program does not open, you can manually launch it from the C: / Program Files / Electronic Arts / The Sims 3 / Game / Bin folder. For the game to work correctly, and custom objects do not disappear, place all downloaded files with houses for your characters in the Downloads folder (by default, it is located in C: / Users / Username / Documents / Electronic Arts / The Sims 3). All files that are in this folder, when you start Sims 3 Launcher, will automatically appear as a list in the Downloads tab.
So, the. Sims3Pack file will automatically launch the launcher and then start unpacking. When the installation is complete, the "Finish" button will appear in the window. If this did not happen, manually go to the "Downloads" folder, check the boxes for the materials you want to see in the game, and click the "Install" button.
If you downloaded the character house as a.package file, you won't be able to install it using the launcher. The integration of such files into the game depends on which version of The Sims 3 you have installed. If you have any addon released later than Late Night or Career, you will need to manually create a folder called Mods and place it at C: / Users / Username / Documents / Electronic Arts / The Sims 3. Inside this folder, create a folder called Packages, and copy the downloaded files with the.package extension. For objects to appear in the game and work correctly, there must be a Resource.cfg file with the prescribed "rules" in the Mods folder. You can download such a file for free on any site or forum dedicated to the game The Sims 3.
Alternative option
You can install files with the. Sims3Pack and.package extensions using an alternative program - the sInt 2.3.0 beta S3Repacker recompressor module. It will allow you to view installed objects, install and remove them at your will, compress data, extract town files, automatically decode encrypted data in.package files. According to the assurances of the players, the program works faster and more stable than the standard launcher. The only thing that may be required additionally is to download and copy the Resource.cfg file to the Mods folder.