It is not at all difficult to set a trap, although there are countless types of traps: a ground trap, a hanging trap, a crushing trap, a bird trap, a fish trap, a falling trap, and many others. But it’s better to start simple: how to set the trap on “average” game, ie a mouse, squirrel, ferret or even a bird.

Step 1
Take a flat and wide rock, one end of which lift up so that the animal can run there.
Then find a fragile twig with a height equal to the distance from the stone to the ground.
Step 2
Place the raised side of the stone on the branch so that the animal pushes the branch, bringing the stone down on itself. For large animals such as elk or deer, of course, a completely different trap is needed: a strong self-tightening loop, the diameter of which would correspond to the animal's paw.
Step 3
Place the loop on two branches above the ground just above the animal's footprints, about 10 centimeters high, and tie it to the nearest tree. The trap works like this: an animal, walking along a familiar path, enters into a loop, and when it raises its paw, the loop is tightened.
Step 4
You can set many traps and each has its own characteristics. But there are some universal rules for setting traps: - Distance not less than 20 meters;
- You need to install quietly and silently;
- Speed (the faster the better);
- The simpler the trap, the better;
- Do not leave your scent (work with gloves).