How To Draw A Bus With A Pencil

How To Draw A Bus With A Pencil
How To Draw A Bus With A Pencil

Like cars, buses come in several models. Start drawing with a simple one, which is created from a rectangle. After that, you can depict a double-decker bus by completing a volumetric drawing.

How to draw a bus
How to draw a bus

A very easy way to draw a bus

Start off the vehicle by drawing a rectangle, positioning it horizontally. Pay some attention to its corners. Let the bus go to the left, then make the upper and lower right corners of this figure almost identical. You will need to round off all the corners, round the top right one a little less, and the bottom one, which is on the same side, a little more. You have drawn the back of the bus, now go to the front.

Make the top left corner a semicircle. The driver's cab will be located here very soon. Round the lower left corner just a little bit, because the mechanisms located here need a lot of space.

The bus windows are even easier to draw. Draw a horizontal line slightly above the middle of the vehicle. Place the second just below the roof, parallel to this segment. On the right side, connect them with a vertical, on the left - an arched line that repeats the outlines of the upper left corner. Step back 3-4 cm to the right, draw a vertical line connecting the 2 original parallel horizontal segments. You have drawn the driver's cabin. Retreating the same amount, draw 4-5 vertical lines of the same length to the right - these are the windows of the passenger compartment.

Draw 2 wheels at the bottom of the rectangle, the first under the driver's cab, the second behind, under the penultimate window. Paint over them with snug pencil strokes. Erase the auxiliary lines, draw the main lines more clearly, the drawing of the bus is completed.

Double-decker bus that looks voluminous

Not only in foreign countries, but also in Russia, you can find 2-storey buses performing intercity routes. Unlike the first, he moves away from the viewer to the distance and to the left. Therefore, not only its side, but also the rear part is visible. You will draw it using a vertical rectangle.

From the left side of this figure, the second - a horizontal rectangle rushes to the left side. This is the side of the vehicle. That is, these 2 rectangles have a common side. At the bottom, together with the lower vertical and horizontal sides, it forms an angle of 160 degrees. Above - the same. This detail will help you see that the drawn bus is going into the distance and slightly to the right.

Now you need to render the windows. They will be helped to create 2 parallel horizontal lines connected vertically. Make 2 rows of windows (one under one) on the side and the same on the back. On the sidewall at the bottom - front and back, draw along the wheel. Divide the windows into sections, draw the taillights. Inside the cabin, you can accommodate several passengers, and put the driver in the cabin.
