How To Draw A Portrait With A Simple Pencil

How To Draw A Portrait With A Simple Pencil
How To Draw A Portrait With A Simple Pencil

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A portrait drawn with a simple pencil is one of the most sincere and romantic gifts. Of course, only a professional artist can create a real portrait, but remember the children who boldly paint themselves and their parents. Therefore, you should not be ashamed of your inexperience. Let your work turn out to be imperfect in technical terms, but it will be the author's (it will reflect your character and outlook on the world).

How to draw a portrait with a simple pencil
How to draw a portrait with a simple pencil


Step 1

Take a piece of paper and a pencil. To begin with, the "tool of labor" must be sharpened correctly. By the way, not a sharpener is best suited for this, but a knife (the end of the lead when sharpening with a knife turns out to be sharp and slightly cut off, and this shape allows you to draw not only thin lines, but also wide strokes).

Step 2

Draw a rectangle on the sheet (future face), the ratio of width and height of which try to determine by eye. Use horizontal and vertical lines to split the rectangle equally into two parts. If you are drawing the face oval for the first time, to make this process easier, start by drawing vertical arcs, connecting them at the top and bottom.

Step 3

Then find the line of the eyes (it will lie just above the middle of the rectangle). The distance between the eyes should be approximately equal to the segment between the wings of the nose. Try to paint the eyes as expressive as possible - this is the main part of the portrait and, as a rule, all eyes are directed at it.

Step 4

To make the eyes the same in the portrait, draw a line that limits their height. In its shape, the eyes should be similar to an almond seed.

Step 5

To define the line of the nose and hairline, divide all parts of the rectangle in half again. There is no clear template for depicting the nose and lips, since these parts of the face are individual for all people. Your task is to make them as similar as possible to the photograph with which you will draw the portrait (it is much more difficult to make a portrait from life). The mouth line should be slightly above half of the bottom of the rectangle, and the eyebrow line should be just below the middle of the second half of the rectangle (when counting from the top).

Step 6

Hold the pencil at a 45-degree angle to the surface of the sheet as you stroke your drawing. Do not strain your hand, you should draw easily. Shade the darkest parts of the portrait last. All darkening of the picture must be done gradually, since it is much easier to make dark from light than from dark light.
