To be able to sing, to have a good voice and ear is the dream of many. With modern music competitions, this skill can open up great horizons for creativity. However, even if you have not been involved in singing since childhood and do not have a musical education, it is not too late to learn to sing at any age, if this is your dream.

Step 1
Surely, while watching opera, you at least once thought about how to learn how to sing beautifully as well. This is not to say that it is easy, but it is quite possible. Most often, female operatic parts are performed by soprano - the highest singing voice. Its range ranges from "C" in the first octave to notes "F", "G" or "A" in the third octave.
Step 2
In musical practice, there are several types of soprano - dramatic, lyrical and coloratura. The first two are performed, as a rule, with an even timbre and a deep soft sound. When singing with a coloratura soprano, the voice is mobile, you can observe its vibration. Of course, there are also mixed types of soprano - lyric-coloratura and lyric-dramatic. This classification is distinguished for some operatic parts, where it is necessary to convey the different moods of the lyrical heroines.
Step 3
To sing a soprano, you must open your throat completely. To do this, you need to do the exercise while chanting. Think about what happens to your throat when you prepare to yawn. Try it. Feeling small clicks in the ears, fix the throat in this position. Try to stretch a note. You will notice how the sound has become deeper and higher. Now it is directed not forward, as in ordinary speech or singing in a second voice, but upward, to the crown.
Step 4
When singing opera, you need to open your mouth wide - this way the sound will be deeper and richer. Check yourself - feel the fossa near the ear, where the head of the lower jaw descends into the knot of the groove. Open your mouth, holding your finger in that place - a dimple should appear under the finger. Holding it down and singing, you can hear your voice as if from the side, control hitting the notes.
Step 5
However, it is difficult for an unprepared person to stay in this position for a long time without starting to yawn. But, the more you train, the faster you will start to get it. Thus, it is necessary to repeat the usual chant, starting from the first octave and moving higher. As you train, you can gradually build up your range.
Step 6
Find opera cuts where you like the singer's voice. Try to repeat these arias after her. Start with a dramatic soprano, such as Lisa from Tchaikovsky's The Queen of Spades.