Paranormal Phenomena: Phenomena That Cannot Be Explained

Paranormal Phenomena: Phenomena That Cannot Be Explained
Paranormal Phenomena: Phenomena That Cannot Be Explained

In our mysterious world, various phenomena occur that defy logical explanation. There are people who have telekinesis, the ability to read minds, attract metal, see through walls and other amazing abilities.


Rosa Kuleshova could read with her eyes closed, Wanga predicted the future, Coral Polge was an artist-medium, Yan Jiasho had a phenomenal memory … A system error, or is paranormal phenomena an important component of our world?

Igor Dyatlov's group climbed the Mountain of the Dead. At night, during a halt, something made the team get out and run in different directions. After some time, the entire group was found dead with severe lesions of internal organs, while the bodies remained intact.

California, "hut of wonders". Any objects here stand without support, the balls move up the slope, not even birds are found around. Guests of this place always feel unwell and try to leave the "hospitable house".

Overtun Bridge is a canine suicide site. Dogs have been jumping off the bridge for decades for unknown reasons.

In different countries of the world, people believe in the existence of various extraordinary creatures:

  1. The Buryat Aniuka eats the blood of small children; you can get rid of a vampire only with the help of a shaman.
  2. Japanese Ittan-momen is a fabric that appears at night and strangles its victims.
  3. Caladrius in the Middle Ages was a messenger of death, but he also predicted the recovery of the patient.
  4. Kuang Shi takes away the life force of people.
  5. The guardian spirit of the brownie is also a paranormal phenomenon. Some believe that these are the spirits of the deceased owners who help a close-knit family. Previously, the brownie was called "Churila" or briefly "Chur", and in case of trouble they said "Chur, protect me."

Scientists usually do not believe in the paranormal, but scientists such as Carl Jung, Wolfgang Pauli, Margaret Mead, Brian Josephson, Fred Alan Wolf, Amit Goswami, Stuart Hameroff, Eben Alexander do not deny the existence of these phenomena.

Whatever it really is, but many people confidently claim that they have come across in their lives with phenomena that modern science cannot explain.