The sword is a slashing weapon with a double-edged blade, the length of which should not be less than the length of the forearm. Role-playing games and reconstructed battles require skill with a weapon. Swords in such cases can be used differently, and each has its own characteristics. Most often, European weapons are used in reenactments of European battles.

It is necessary
textolite or wooden sword
Step 1
Regardless of whether left-handed or right-handed takes up arms, the sword is held in one hand. Bend your arm halfway at the elbow. Take the sword handle, lift it up with the blade and tilt it forward slightly at an angle of about 30 ° C to the vertical. It cannot be clamped in your hand too tightly. The coverage should be soft. Otherwise, the attacker can easily knock him out of your hands, while beating you hard with a hand.
Step 2
Stance is of great importance - the position of the body. Stand to the alleged enemy with that side in which hand you have a sword. Spread your legs so that your heels are shoulder-width apart. If the sword is in the right hand, the right foot is directed towards the opponent, and the left is perpendicular to it. If the sword is held by a left-handed person, then the left hand with the sword and the left foot will be in front. This position provides maximum protection for the body, since it is, as it were, "in the shadow" of the sword. The ability to repel enemy blows is achieved by minimal movements of the hand holding the sword.
Step 3
In the event that the opponent inflicts blows from above from the right or left side, reflect them by raising the sword up and pointing the hand in the direction from which the blow is being struck. As a result, your sword will be in a position ready for a counterattack from above. In the case of a bottom left or right blow, reflect the attack by lowering the blade down and deflect the blow to the side from which the attack was made. In this case, your sword will be at the beginning of the swing trajectory, which will allow you to twist the enemy's weapon. After that, you can attack with a slashing blow from above, taking a step forward.
Step 4
It should be noted that when working with a sword, it is not necessary to ensure its violent control, but to correct the movement of the weapon already untwisted in the air. This simultaneously saves strength and protects the fighter from blows that can knock the sword out of his hand.
Step 5
If you have a two-handed sword, take it in one hand too. The second hand in this case helps to turn the sword, holding it by the pommel, or serves to intercept, if the fighter works confidently with both hands.