How To Draw A Vase

How To Draw A Vase
How To Draw A Vase

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How often do we use everyday things without thinking about their shape, color, or curves and bulges. Books, dishes, fruits, food, various jars surround us everywhere. In the visual arts, staging of such objects of inanimate nature is called still life. Only artists look at them not as things, but as objects of inspiration.

How to draw a vase
How to draw a vase

It is necessary

  • - a sheet of A4 paper
  • - pencil, preferably soft (2B)
  • - eraser
  • - vase


Step 1

Draw a horizontal line on a piece of paper - this will be the table on which we will place the vase. The line should run about 8-10 cm from the bottom edge of the sheet.

Step 2

Draw a vertical line, this will be the axis of the jug. From it we will draw two symmetrical halves of the jug. Do not press hard on the pencil.

Step 3

Draw, by lightly pressing on the pencil, the approximate outline of one side of the jug. There is one simple trick to determine the proportions of a jug. To do this, you need to stretch out your hand with a pencil and squint one eye. Now try measuring how many times the widest point of the jug fits at its height. To do this, turn your pencil horizontally and point it to the widest part of the jug, marking the distance with your finger on the pencil. Then turn the pencil horizontally and count how many times the distance you measured fits into the height of the jug. Thus, artists measure all the proportions of the object being drawn.

Step 4

Begin to draw this half clearly, carefully look at your "model". Draw clearly all the curves and concavities of the jug. When one side of the jug is completely drawn, proceed to the next step.

Step 5

Draw straight horizontal lines from the bends of the drawn part of the jug, to its other part, thus projecting the future outline of the second side. This is necessary to make your vase symmetrical. Become a draftsman for a couple of minutes.

Step 6

Draw the other side of the jug by eye, and then check both details. Attach a pencil from the axis to the edge of the jug near its neck, measure the same distance to the other side of the axis. Check, in this way, all the bends of the jug on both sides of the axis.

Step 7

Draw the outline of the second part, correct the imperfections.

Step 8

Trace the entire outline of the jug with a pencil. Try to keep the stroke line about 3mm wide. The jug is ready! Drawing lessons like this will help you learn to look at ordinary things through the eyes of an artist.
