There is no need to talk about fashion for the shape of bags and accessories for them, since there are no restrictions here. Backpacks, pouches, tote bags, clutches are still loved. Along with bulky soft bags, miniature frame chest bags are popular. Guided by the basic techniques of sewing bags, you can create accessories that emphasize individuality and reflect the mood of their owner.

It is necessary
- - the cloth;
- - adhesive interlining;
- - sewing machine;
- - flitz;
- - scissors;
- - iron;
- - zipper;
- - synthetic winterizer.
Step 1
To sew a bag from shreds, draw a rectangle on the adhesive non-woven fabric. The sides must match the dimensions of the bag you choose. Leave 2 cm around the edges of the rectangle for allowances. Cut out the workpiece.
Step 2
Lay the non-woven fabric with the glue side up and, within the rectangle, lay out the desired pattern from the shreds with a mosaic. Finish the edges of the joints by cutting them off with scissors. Then, pin each piece of fabric with a pin.
Step 3
Turn the workpiece over and, putting it on top of the padding polyester, so that the pins do not print, lightly smooth it with an iron. Carefully turn the workpiece over and remove the pins. If there are still traces of them, turn the rectangle over and iron it again.
Step 4
Cut the backing from a dense material such as felt or felt and place it under the non-woven fabric. Take a rep ribbon and connect the joints of the shreds according to the pattern: first horizontal, and then vertical. Attach pieces of tape on both sides. Connect all three layers with these stitches: interlining, shreds and a dense base.
Step 5
Decide on the length of the handle. The longer it is, the wider the workpiece needs to be made. Fold the workpiece in half lengthwise and stitch in the middle. If the fabric for the handle is soft enough, the allowances may not be cut, leaving them as filler.
Step 6
Turn the workpiece out. Take a tourniquet from the non-woven fabric and, twisting it in a spiral, thread it into the blank for the handle.
Step 7
Sew a zip welt. To do this, make two stripes, measuring the width of the bag and the distance from edge to edge where the zipper should be sewn in. Don't forget to leave 1, 5-2 cm for allowances.
Step 8
Open the zipper. Fold the open short edges of the tape inward and stitch on both sides one at a time. Be sure to secure the stitches by reversing with the machine needle.
Step 9
Expand the piping. Sew the prepared lining to the bottom cut. Tuck the edges of the zipper into the seam. Fold over the sewn-on lining and piping and create an overall side seam.
Step 10
Place the finished bag inside the piping, aligning the open top cuts. Attach the handles and stitch, 1 cm away from the edge. Turn out the lining with piping and insert into the bag. Place a finishing seam around the edge. Sew the bottom of the lining.