How To Sew A Robe

How To Sew A Robe
How To Sew A Robe

If you want to sew a decent robe, you need to have at least some idea of sewing and sewing. And of course, it is better to follow the special instructions.

Self-made robe
Self-made robe

Before you start sewing a real robe, you should find suitable patterns. In principle, a pattern of any straight shirt with a straight sleeve without darts on the shoulder line will do. The pattern should be removed according to your size. It is allowed to use a pattern one size larger if you need a winter version of a thick fabric mantle. By the way, you only need to reshoot two parts - the back and the sleeve.

Then you need to lay out the fabric on a large table and finish the pattern at certain points. The patterns of the back and the shelves are almost the same. So you can make only one part and, if necessary, bend all unnecessary. It is better to cut along the share or perpendicular to it. In the second case, you will greatly save fabric. But in such a matter as sewing a mantle, it is better to do without saving material. Otherwise, you will simply end up with a deformed fabric that is not suitable for sewing.

Redraw the pattern of the back on a large sheet of tracing paper. You can ignore the darts. Then you need to mark point A on the pattern, and from it put down to the middle of the back a value that will be equal to the length of the mantle. Mark point H and connect it with a straight line to point A. This will be the bottom line. Now you need to lay 8 cm down from the first point and mark point A3. Next, set aside 25 cm from point A and mark point A1. On the back pattern, mark point A2 and draw a perpendicular from it to the bottom line. Point H1 should be marked at their intersection.

From the above point to the bottom line, set aside about 15 centimeters and mark the H2 point. In a straight line, connect it to A2. Now you need to postpone 5 centimeters up from the H2 point and mark the H3 point. In this case, points H and H3 should be connected by a smooth line. From point H along the bottom line, set aside 15 cm to the right and mark H4. Connect the latter with a line to point A1. Climb along that line 2 cm up and mark the point H5. Points H5 and H must also be connected by a straight line. Cut the paper pattern along the back line.

After cutting, you can safely start sewing. It is quite simple - you need to connect two side seams, two shoulder seams and a middle seam of the back. In order to cut the sleeve, you will also need a pattern from a magazine. Cut it in two through the midpoint of the sleeve. From the half to be sewn to the back, cut out an entire piece and mark the line on the sleeve of the OP robe. After the performed manipulations, draw a perpendicular to the sleeve line and set aside values equal to half the sleeve width along it. Connect points P1 and P2 with smooth lines with O2 and O1. Then, along these segments, set aside 2 cm up and mark points P3 and P4. After connecting points P, P3 and P4, the sleeve pattern can be considered complete. Carefully sew the seam of the sleeves and sew into the armholes.

No special pattern is needed for the hood. You need to cut out a rectangle of arbitrary sizes and fold it with its short sides to each other. Sew along one of the long sides. Measure the neckline of the mantle along the backs and shelves. There will be a difference between this value and the width of the hood. It can simply be folded along the sewing line. It remains to sew the hood to the mantle and the process will be completed.
