How To Check Spinning

How To Check Spinning
How To Check Spinning

Table of contents:


To buy a quality spinning rod, you need to know what to check in it. First of all, attention is paid to the action of the rod, which determines the shape of its bend and behavior under load.

You need to check the quality of the spinning rod before buying
You need to check the quality of the spinning rod before buying

It is necessary

  • - spinning
  • - coil
  • - small load


Step 1

The device of all spinning rods is approximately the same. The main difference is the taper of the rod. As a rule, it is thicker at the base than at the top. But there are those in which all sections are made in the form of a cone. This gives the spinning rod a certain type of behavior when casting and playing fish.

Step 2

The action and action of a spinning rod can only be tested on a pond. When buying, you can only roughly estimate these characteristics. To do this, you need to fix the handle of the reel and pull the top of the rod down (or hang a weight on it). If it bends closer to the base (butt), its action will be slower than bending the rod closer to its top.

Step 3

There is another way to check the speed of the spinning rod: rest its tip against a wall or ceiling and try to bend the rod. If the angle of the bend at the base is close to 45 degrees, the action of the spinning rod will be quite quick.

Step 4

The build quality of the product can be defined as follows: grasp the spinning rod slightly below the reel and shake it with effort. At this moment, you should listen to the sounds emitted. If you hear a distinct knock, you must refuse to buy such a product: its quality is very doubtful. If there are no sharp sounds, you can continue checking. To do this, the spinning rod must be placed with the rings down and look at it from above from the butt side. If the rod is of good quality, a slight bend will be visible along the line of the rings at the bottom.

Step 5

Particular attention should be paid to the inspection of the rings. They should be level and firmly attached to the base of the rod. The evenness is determined by examining the line of the rings through the tulip (the most recent of them). It should be understood that thin, poor-quality rings will quickly fray, especially if the fisherman prefers to use braided lines. You need to ask the seller about the brand of these products. The best are S1C rings of the Triangular type. They are made in the shape of a triangle, which significantly reduces the friction of the line against the metal.

Step 6

It is important that all guides are lined up strictly along the hardest part of the rod - the seam line. You can define it like this: grab the tip with one hand, bend it a little and try to twist it around its axis. At some point, the rod will try to turn on its own. This way you can determine the hardest line along which the rings should be attached.

Step 7

The reel seat is checked after the reel is installed in it. You should make sure that it "sits" tightly enough in it, without shifting to the sides. If, when fully fixed, the reel has free play in the reel seat, such a spinning rod is not worth buying.
