It is human nature to play. Even the most adult and respectable sometimes does not mind feeling like a brave pirate captain, a medieval knight or a beautiful princess. Not to mention the fact that chess, checkers, cards, board-printed games practically never go out of use. You can come up with an interesting game at any time, and rather quickly..

It is necessary
- - literary work;
- - participants;
- - materials at hand for the manufacture of attributes.
Step 1
Come up with a plot. It can be built on the basis of a literary work, film, computer game. It is desirable that the work is familiar to all participants, or at least to the majority. You can come up with your own plot.
Step 2
The fastest option is a dramatization game. It is enough for her to remember the work and assign the roles. You can make elements of costumes. The game is not a performance, so limit yourself to the details that can somehow indicate the character. In this situation, you do not need a detailed study of the plot, the author of the work has already done everything. But no one forbids coming up with new episodes, imagining what the characters will do many years later, etc. This version of the game is in many ways akin to a theatrical production.
Step 3
A literary work can also become the basis for a different kind of role play. The given plot is in this case just a canvas on which the episodes invented and played out by the participants themselves are strung. Take on the role of a master. Distribute roles. It is better if each participant knows only his character, not suspecting what other heroes are in the game and what game goal they are pursuing.
Step 4
Come up with rules. They can be very simple. Explain what participants can do and what they should not do under any circumstances. Each character may have some restrictions. For example, Cinderella cannot lie, and Baron Munchausen under no circumstances should accurately describe events.
Step 5
Decide on space and time. The game can be limited in time or by events. In the latter case, it ends at the time of the task. As a playground, you can use the space that you have at your disposal - a meadow, a summer cottage, etc.
Step 6
Formulate a game goal. Participants can capture a city, free an island, find an artifact, disenchant a princess. If the plot involves dividing into teams, then each group may have its own goal.
Step 7
Arrange the players in the bases (locations). Bases are the points from which an action begins. Arrange a cue to start. The game does not have to include winners and losers. You can get pleasure from the action itself.
Step 8
It may be necessary to restart the player. For example, if the plot involves death. Such players put on some kind of conventional sign. Usually this is a white hirat, but it can be any other. If desired, the master can entrust the deceased with a different role.
Step 9
You can quickly organize a military-sports game. Usually, in this case, the players are divided into 2 teams (maybe more). The goal, as a rule, is to capture enemy territory. Come up with identifying badges. Formulate rules, define time and space. Such games allow for martial arts, shooting competitions, etc.
Step 10
If there are few participants and all players have some kind of vehicle, you can conduct the quest in a fairly large space. Look at the map of the area. Read the titles. Perhaps among them there are those about which you can come up with riddles. If there are settlements nearby that are associated with the life of famous people, the plot of literary works, filming a film, ancient legends - use this in assignments. Select the point where a certain prize will be hidden. All participants must get to it.
Step 11
Identify the most characteristic points about which it is easiest to compose tasks. Each item should contain an indication of where the next artifact is located. It is not necessary to write notes - the direction can also be set by any subject related to the next item. For example, a piece of cloth will point to a garment factory, a piece of hay to a stable, a twig with leaves to a forest. The game starts on a signal, and ends when one of the participants gets to the last point and picks up the artifact.