How To Care For Bokarnea

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How To Care For Bokarnea
How To Care For Bokarnea

Video: How To Care For Bokarnea

Video: How To Care For Bokarnea
Video: Beaucarnea recurvata (Ponytail Palm) Houseplant Care — 229 of 365 2024, October

Bocarnea is a very interesting plant with long, narrow leaves, a lush fountain rising above the base trunk. In favorable conditions, the plant grows up to one and a half meters in height, but even less impressive specimens look very decorative. In order for the bokarnea to feel good, it must be properly looked after, observing the rules of lighting, watering and feeding.

How to care for bokarnea
How to care for bokarnea

Bocarnea: what is she

The plant belongs to the agave family, its homeland is the semi-desert of Mexico. Because of its peculiar appearance, the bokarney is also called the "elephant leg" or "pony tail". An adult plant looks very decorative and resembles a bonsai tree. Long, belt-like leaves can fall to the edges of the pot, and the bloated, bulbous base extends like a trunk. Beaucarnea does not require shaping or cutting - it acquires its unusual appearance on its own.

The easiest way is to buy an adult, already formed specimen. Bokarnea propagates by shoots or seeds, but at home they take root badly.

Growing features

Bocarnea belongs to ornamental-leaved plants. Unlike flowering species, it retains its attractiveness throughout the year, without requiring manipulation with transplanting into the garden, forced shading or wintering in a cool room.

The plant will appeal not only to experienced, but also to novice growers. You can place it in any pot of suitable size, the soil is preferable moderately light, containing equal parts of humus, clay soil and sand. The base of the bokarney should not be covered with earth. The plant is transplanted as needed, every three to four years. It is best to do this in the spring, by transferring it to a larger pot.

The flower does not like too hot rooms - it is better to place it away from batteries. At the same time, the bokarnea is undemanding to air humidity - it does not need room humidifiers or constant spraying. With the help of the root base, the plant regulates the amount of moisture, therefore, it calmly tolerates missed watering. But it is not worth overmoistening the soil in order to avoid the appearance of mold and gray rot. If the flower grows too slowly, it can be fed with a complex mineral fertilizer, but this should not be done too often.

Monitor the condition of the leaves of the plant. If they turn yellow and fall off, watering should be increased. Whitish threads on the leaves indicate the appearance of a spider mite. Spray the leaves with a parasite-killing solution or just water. Sluggish, falling leaves indicate a lack of light or waterlogged soil.

The only whim of the bokarnei that should be taken into account is the demand for light. The plant is best placed in the south, southeast or southwest window. It is desirable that direct sunlight falls on the flower for part of the day. The temperature should be moderate, in winter the plant must be protected from drafts.
