Snow-white, terry, with patterned edges of flowers, the Uzumbar violet is a flower that will not leave anyone indifferent. His homeland is East Africa. At the end of the 19th century, Baron von Sant Paul brought it to Europe. The Uzumbar violet is also called sentpolia in honor of its distributor.

This plant has fleshy, succulent leaves that are dark green in color with blue, purple, red, pink and white flowers.
This violet is snow-white like January snow and blooms most of the year, that is, almost constantly. To achieve this, you need to constantly monitor watering and fertilization. Violet really does not like excess moisture, so a ceramic drain is placed on the bottom of a ceramic pot, which absorbs excess moisture very well.
Water the flower should be under the leaves. If water gets on the leaves, stains may appear. The water should be warm and soft, then the violet blooms well and for a long time. You need to fertilize once a month, with a special fertilizer for indoor flowers. It is also not necessary to "overdo it" with this, since if you fertilize the plant more often, then abundant growth of leaves and a reduction in the number of flowers will begin.
Best of all, for violets, small pots are suitable, again, in them it blooms more abundantly. The violet also loves to be transplanted. This is best done in the spring, when there are no buds yet.
For the best flowering, the plant needs rest. The best time for this is winter. Rest means transferring the flower to a colder place. At the same time, the violet is propagated. To do this, take the leaves together with a handle of at least 2 cm, put in a bowl with warm water. You need to immerse the leaves by about a quarter. The stalk and the bottom of the leaf should be in water. When the roots appear, you can transplant these leaves into the ground. The temperature should be in the region of 20-25 degrees, then the rooting and growth of the young plant proceed more intensively.
The uzumbar violet feels best on the east and west windows.
One cannot indifferently look at a blooming violet, no matter what color it is, therefore uzumbar violets are the most beloved and widespread flowers of many people. They take up very little space, and bloom most of the year.