How To Care For An Aucuba

How To Care For An Aucuba
How To Care For An Aucuba

Recently, aucuba is gaining more and more popularity among flower lovers. This evergreen shrub cheers you up even in the harsh winter.

How to care for an aucuba
How to care for an aucuba

Natural habitat: humid subtropics. The plant is very shade-tolerant and, unlike other indoor plants, has a rare frost resistance. Only 6 species are known in the genus.

Cool northern rooms are ideal for growing at home. In winter, the temperature should not be higher than 13 degrees, as this may cause the plant to lose some of its leaves.

Any universal mixture can be used as a substrate. Hydroponic cultivation is acceptable. During the period of active growth, abundant watering is needed, in winter - moderate. Aucuba needs regular spraying. To form the crown, pruning is necessary. They are transplanted every 2-3 years, while it is important to try to completely preserve the earthen lump with roots.

Propagated by fresh seeds and cuttings during the warm season. Propagating aucuba by seeds, it should be borne in mind that varietal traits may not be transmitted to seedlings. You need to sow seeds in a moist substrate (a mixture of peat and sand), then cover with a film and keep the bowl at a temperature of about 21 degrees. Crops are ventilated and sprayed from time to time.

Cuttings for rooting are cut in April or early autumn from the shoot of last year's growth. They must have at least 3 sheets. Root at 22 degrees Celsius, under a film in a moist substrate. The seedlings are regularly ventilated and sprayed.
