Cacti are flowering plants from distant Mexico and Africa. They belong to the types of succulents, that is, they accumulate water. Many cacti are prickly, which is why they are not recommended to be kept in a house where there are small children or mobile pets. But even in this case, there is a way out - to make a decorative knitted cactus that cannot prick anyone.

It is necessary
- - green and brown threads;
- - hook;
- - scissors;
- - synthetic winterizer or cotton wool;
- - tailor's pins;
- - small pot;
- - any groats or small pebbles;
- - plasticine;
- - threads with a needle.
Step 1
Pick up the threads and crochet hook that you will be using to knit the cactus. If you chose thin threads, take a thin hook too, so that the cactus does not turn out to be openwork and the padding does not shine through the knitting. If you have thick woolen threads, then the cactus will turn out fluffy and will bond much faster.
Step 2
There are two ways to tie a cactus. The first way is to knit a cactus in a circle. This is the best way to knit round cacti. Start with three air loops, close the ring. Then knit single crochet into the ring, gradually adding loops. As soon as you get the size of the cactus you want, stop the increments and knit the same number of loops over several rows. Then gradually begin to decrease the loops. The main thing is to make sure that the decreases are even, and the cactus does not lose its rounded shape. After knitting, stuff the finished cactus with cotton wool or padding polyester.
Step 3
The second method is to knit two long pieces in the form of long columns with a rounded top. To do this, tie a chain of air loops as long as you want to see the height of the future cactus. Then knit single crochet rounds around this chain, gradually adding loops at the top of the cactus for rounding. After the part is ready, knit exactly the same second.
Step 4
Then sew the parts together with a regular seam over the edge. You can also crochet the pieces with single crochet stitches. Then stuff the cactus with cotton wool or padding polyester. For greater stability, place a plasticine weight or a bag of cereals in the base of the cactus.
Step 5
If shoots were planned for the cactus, then tie the same parts, only smaller in size. Using the same principle, connect them and sew to the main trunk. It is not necessary to additionally sew the load into the appendages.
Step 6
If you want to make a blooming cactus, tie the flowers and sew them onto the cactus. It remains to fix the finished cactus in a pot and decorate it with decorative needles.