If you are a fan of any computer game, sooner or later you will want to join a clan or organize your own. All that remains is to find suitable accomplices, set goals and decide on the emblem. It is not so difficult to draw it.

Step 1
Quite a lot depends on the clan's emblem, including how opponents and potential clan members will perceive you in the future. Therefore, try to make it not only informative enough, but also attractive, as well as expressive - capable of conveying the clan motto.
Step 2
The easiest and fastest way to get a clan emblem is to choose the appropriate option among the ready-made cliparts on a gaming theme. However, this does not insure you against the opportunity to meet a team with the same image on the clan crest.
Therefore, the most reliable way is to develop a unique image specifically for your team.
Step 3
To choose which elements will be on your future emblem, you can resort to the same principle that was traditionally used in heraldry. Determine what qualities and traits you would like to make the most important for the clan and come up with an obvious visual association. For example: lion - courage and nobility, eagle - strength and superiority, bear - power and fearlessness, etc. Select the background color in the same way. Most often, it becomes red - a symbol of courage, fearlessness, some aggression and challenge. If you plan to adhere to a more peaceful policy in the game, use calm colors: blue, green, yellow.
Step 4
Choose the shape of the emblem: circle, square, rectangle, shield outline, etc. Consider the arrangement of elements within this field. Make some sketches by swapping the shapes, increasing or decreasing their size. With the help of sketches, it is easier to understand whether the field is overloaded or vice versa, whether there are empty spaces left on it.
Step 5
If you own graphic editors, you can draw the final version in any of them using a tablet or other tool. If your artistic ability is not high enough, scan your sketch and give it to the one who draws better than you. The designer will be able to see and eliminate the existing shortcomings, and then easily convert the drawing into electronic form.