An indispensable condition for a clan to join an alliance in the Lineage game is at least the fifth level of the clan. The request must go to the alliance-building NPC.

Step 1
The restrictions on the creation of alliances by clans are: - the number of clans forming an alliance cannot exceed three; - a besieging clan cannot create an alliance with defenders; - a clan that is already a member of an alliance cannot join another or form its own alliance; - a clan cannot can team up with his opponent in a war.
Step 2
The clan lord has the right to create an alliance with another clan or to dissolve an existing alliance. Forced exclusion of a clan entails the impossibility of accepting new members within 24 hours. Voluntary withdrawal from the alliance does not imply penalties. The consent of the clan lords to dissolve the alliance is not required - this decision is made by the leader of the alliance.
Step 3
The procedure for creating an alliance itself is to use a special command in the chat - / allyinvite lord_name of the invited_clan. Another syntax is also used: - / allydissolve - to dissolve the alliance by the leader; - / allyleave - to voluntarily leave the alliance; - / allycrest - to register a new alliance badge; - / allydismiss clan_name - to forcibly exclude a clan from the alliance.
Step 4
Only clans that are part of the alliance have access to its chat. At the same time, the simultaneous use of the clan chat and the alliance chat is impossible.
Step 5
The creation of a new alliance badge is available only to the leader. This symbol is placed in front of the clan icon, but does not override it.
Step 6
The / allyinfo command allows any clan member of the alliance to get the following information: - the number of players in the alliance; - the names of the alliance clans; - the number of clans that make up the alliance; - his clan; - the main clan - the creator of the alliance.
Step 7
Please note that the actions of alliances and clans belonging to them during a siege are subject to special rules governing the conditions for leaving and joining an alliance.