Studies show that a fairly large percentage of people pay attention to the brand name and catchy "badge" rather than to the quality of the product. Therefore, choosing a good logo is no less important than the company's financial policy.

Step 1
Examine competitor logos. Everything is known by comparison, and your logo will certainly be compared. By carefully studying the images under which your "colleagues in the shop" are hiding, you can kill two birds with one stone: track trends and fashion, plus avoid the possibility of being "too similar" to someone. However, if you go to a professional agency, they will do it all for you.
Step 2
Use a letter. Place it in a circle, square, give it an unusual shape, or make it reflect in itself. The list of options can be continued indefinitely, but they will be united by a common principle: geometric transformations of the letters included in the name of the company. Such a solution will not be distinguished by originality, but with the proper quality of the subsequent performance, it can look very solid.
Step 3
Process the idea in a graphics editor. This role immediately suggests itself to Adobe Photoshop or, to a lesser extent, Corel Draw. Even the most ordinary letter "A" in the square will look fresh if you successfully beat it. Experiment with the material (metallic shine, neon glow), depict it in volume, add a shadow or, on the contrary, a highlight of light. Details are what matters.
Step 4
Take advantage of the internet logo makers. There are many sites and programs where you just have to choose a style and enter the name of the company. Based on standard algorithms, the program will often offer you a very, very good option. However, you run the risk of being completely unoriginal: the program can never replace a real person and invent something amazing. Moreover, if one of your colleagues uses a similar (or the same) service, then you will find yourself in a very awkward position.
Step 5
Refer to experienced people. Drawing "icons" is easy enough to learn on your own, but it takes experience and creativity. Therefore, the most obvious solution would be to contact an advertising agency. There is only one minus - the financial component. On the other hand, there are a lot of pluses - you will be unique, they will do the job efficiently and, most likely, they will offer you several options to choose from.